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Subject: FreeTDS Development Group
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154 mails
Chronological Thread << < page 4 / 6 > >>
Re: [JDBC] DatabaseMetaData and the various servers
, (continued)
- Re: [JDBC] DatabaseMetaData and the various servers, Bob Kline, 09/29/2000
Koscheev Andrey, 09/14/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Negative SYBMONEY BUG, Bob Kline, 09/14/2000
- Negative SYBMONEY patch, Koscheev Andrey, 09/14/2000
- CVS server, Bob Kline, 09/14/2000
- JDBC SYBMONEY bug [was: Negative SYBMONEY BUG], Bob Kline, 09/14/2000
- Re: [JDBC] setObject() - not implemented -- I need to read questions..., Henry Lafleur, 09/14/2000
- Re: [JDBC] setObject() - not implemented -- I need to read questions..., Bob Kline, 09/14/2000
Re: PHP/tds issue - partial,
Michael Kimsal, 09/14/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Brian Bruns, 09/14/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Michael Kimsal, 09/14/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Brian Bruns, 09/14/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Rasmus Lerdorf, 09/14/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Michael Kimsal, 09/14/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Brian Bruns, 09/15/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Michael Kimsal, 09/15/2000
- Re: PHP/tds issue - partial, Brian Bruns, 09/17/2000
- I'm new - have problem, Rafal Wijata, 09/15/2000
- latest version (again !!), Stefanos Karasavvidis, 09/15/2000
- return value in stored procedure, Sam Sam, 09/15/2000
- JDBC batch updates using Statement.executeBatch, Ted X. Toth, 09/15/2000
- Re: [JDBC] setObject() - not implemented -- I need to read questions..., Lowden, James K, 09/15/2000
JDBC RowSet (CachedRowSet, WebRowSet),
Rouvinez Jean-Claude, 09/20/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: JDBC RowSet (CachedRowSet, WebRowSet), Bob Kline, 09/20/2000
HOWTO on setting up FreeTDS on a FreeBSD machine to connect to an MS SQL 7,
Gil Cohen, 09/21/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: HOWTO on setting up FreeTDS on a FreeBSD machine to connect to an MS SQL 7, Tom Samplonius, 09/23/2000
- [JDBC] serious bug that swallows error messages, Stefan Bodewig, 09/21/2000
Jean-Michel POURE, 09/22/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: FreeTDS + PHP4 RPMS, Tim Uckun, 09/22/2000
- Re: FreeTDS + PHP4 RPMS, Jean-Michel POURE, 09/25/2000
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