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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Climate-Gate

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  • From: "Lynda" <lurine AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Climate-Gate
  • Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 12:13:18 -0800

You do understand that there are naturally occuring things and artificially constructed things which do not equal each other in how they react with "stuff" in general. The "bad" CO2 doesn't just occur all by its lonesome. It contains lots of other heavy metals. Something that doesn't occur in nature except once in a blue moon when there is a volcano. Human created problems are just that, human created.

For example, is cooling and warming a natural occurance? Yes. Is acid rain a natural occurance? NO! Ya see, I have yet to find a plant that produces petroleum created CO2 with solid particulate matter including lead.

I have NO use for Teflon but this is just plain silly. A reduction by 1/6th is a mere drop in the bucket for the amount of pollution the U.S. dumps in the atmosphere and into the water and onto the ground. And, since your plants got along quite nicely without polution AND since the vast majority of plants can NOT be grown along a freeway because petroleum CO2 is deadly to them, I think your plants will do quite nicely without man induced pollution.

--"I'm fascinated by the hard line you're drawing over religion -- It gets
used too much, as an excuse, a fall guy, a weapon, a con. A lot of people,
maybe most, don't mean it except when it suits them." Dallas
----- Original Message ----- From: "Leslie" <cayadopi AT>

I too have searched for it unsuccessfully. My mom saw it on a Public TV type program, and I heard mention of it on a radio show (that is not biased towards one party or the other, and is often exposes both main party's nonsense.)

Meanwhile, here's another absurdity to ponder...Is Carbon Dioxide Pollution?
"Let’s take Barack Obama’s absurd assertion, that carbon dioxide is a dangerous pollutant, one step further. By using Obama’s "logic," life itself is built upon pollution. It makes me wonder, once again, if our new President is smarter than a fifth grader. For if one is familiar with photosynthesis– and most fifth graders are – it is a process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar. Plants only need light energy, carbon dioxide and water to make the aforementioned sugar. Photosynthesis, which cannot take place without carbon dioxide, occurs in plants (and a few bacteria) and is responsible for feeding nearly all life on Earth. But let’s not stop there. Another vital function photosynthesis performs pertains to generating the very oxygen which oxygen-breathing animals require for survival. So let’s get this straight Mr. Obama, you believe the life-giving process of photosynthesis is built upon
pollution? If this is your firm conviction, then you have left me wondering if enough oxygen is making it to your brain. Yet what I do know now is that the gospel, according to Barack Obama, avows that life itself is dependent upon pollution. How utterly surreal."

Obama wants to reduce CO2 by 1/6th over the next 10 years. Hmmmm Might have to construct a still next to the garden in order to make sure the veggies get enough CO2 to produce food for me to eat.

From: Gerald Brittell <gabrittell AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Sat, November 28, 2009 10:06:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Climate-Gate

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Leslie <cayadopi AT> wrote:

.......... When I learned that a town was discovered underneath a receeding
glacier in Norway that clearly tells me that the globe has been this warm
before - and it was before the invention of cars and coal plants.)

Hi Leslie,

Would you be able to document this report? ... I have not been able to find
mention of it Googling keywords. Is so, one instance in one locality would
not be clear evidence for me for such a general conclusion but I would like
to read about it. thanks Jerry B
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