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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Climate-Gate

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  • From: Gerald Brittell <gabrittell AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Climate-Gate
  • Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 14:26:05 -0500

On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Leslie <cayadopi AT> wrote:

> I too have searched for it unsuccessfully. My mom saw it on a Public
> TV type program, and I heard mention of it on a radio show (that is not
> biased towards one party or the other, and is often exposes both main
> party's nonsense.)
> Meanwhile, here's another absurdity to ponder...Is Carbon Dioxide
> Pollution?
> "Let’s take Barack Obama’s absurd assertion, that carbon dioxide is a
> dangerous pollutant, one step further. By using Obama’s "logic," life itself
> is built upon pollution. It makes me wonder, once again, if our new
> President is smarter than a fifth grader. For if one is familiar with
> photosynthesis– and most fifth graders are – it is a process of converting
> light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar. Plants
> only need light energy, carbon dioxide and water to make the aforementioned
> sugar. Photosynthesis, which cannot take place without carbon dioxide,
> occurs in plants (and a few bacteria) and is responsible for feeding nearly
> all life on Earth. But let’s not stop there. Another vital function
> photosynthesis performs pertains to generating the very oxygen which
> oxygen-breathing animals require for survival. So let’s get this straight
> Mr. Obama, you believe the life-giving process of photosynthesis is built
> upon
> pollution? If this is your firm conviction, then you have left me
> wondering if enough oxygen is making it to your brain. Yet what I do know
> now is that the gospel, according to Barack Obama, avows that life itself is
> dependent upon pollution. How utterly surreal."
> Obama wants to reduce CO2 by 1/6th over the next 10 years. Hmmmm Might
> have to construct a still next to the garden in order to make sure the
> veggies get enough CO2 to produce food for me to eat.

And you don't think it important to consider that as much benefit a certain
critical, optimal amount of carbon dioxide is to life on earth, as has been
maintained now for many thousands of years, can quickly be exceeded, too
much of a good thing becoming deleterious? There has occured several times
in ancient earth history, when this level in the atmosphere has been
exceeded, leading to almost total extinction of all species, though never as
quickly as has burning all these hydrocarbons has done the past one hundred
years. I think you best be sure you know what you are talking about before
you wage such a polarizing, emotional campaign. There is something of
greater moment at hand than any tea party, dear soul.

Even the massive and sudden growth of plant life that is now occurring in
many areas, particularly in the northern hemisphere,cannot be seen without
alarm, knowing well the process of desertification. Drained, nutriment
depleted soils can produce only so much vegetation. Now is in fact a good
time to harvest and store the bounty brought on by the present high CO2
levels. When the changing climate brings the floods, droughts, fires,
insects and disease, along with the great social and political disruptions
and displacements, and the plants no longer can support their extreme
growth, look out humanity.
The shjift comes almost overnight, earth clock time, in some places earlier
than others.

The lands surrounding much of the dry country you and others on this list
live upon was not so very long ago covered with verdant vegetation and
fauna. Consider now the soils and vegetation. Dig a little deeper and pump
up the oil and dig the coal the massive decaying cover created. Continue
now burning it and spreading it's products on the lands, air and water,
further eliminating the miraculous bioorganisms in the soils, and see how
soon the rest of these verdant green fields and forests stand.

No Leslie, I think Obama has some pretty knowledgable persons in his cabinet
and as advisors who are onto the CO2 'problem' a little deeper than this,
and are aware of what is occuring. Whether he will listen and act, or can,
remains to be seen. The measures that truly need be taken, I am certain
myself, are way too miniscule to avoid what is already roaring down the pike
made from our past chocies. Just enough is proffered to make it appear that
something is being done. Look at all the Oil Company ads glorifing their
wonderful 'Green' measures. Nothing but propaganda to prevent their spigots
from being turned off before they can drill, dig and market as much as they
can before their inevitable doom falls as it will. Too bad, since there
are other good uses to be made of their products other than burning it.

True CO2, and Oxygen both are verv vital substances, you have that right,
in the rright amount. Either can kill instantly with too much or little.
Close up a car in a garage and run it a few minutes and observe what
happens. No, don't please. How anyone can overlook such simple, obvious
facts using such illogic is unfortuate, I think. However things have a way
of balancing out, even without our conscious influence and will. Pray it
will happen in time while there is still life left on earth. Better yet, do
what we know and do to see as many as possible survive what obviously is
upon us. jerry


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