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homestead - Re: [Homestead] was british- now Bev's realization

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  • From: "Lynn Wigglesworth" <lynnw1366 AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] was british- now Bev's realization
  • Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2009 07:57:40 -0500

My friend A is one of those people like Lynn who sees a
friendly universe...she is a happy person who associates with other
happy people. She just doesn't even see the meanness, but I do...and
you do...why is that?

It's not that I don't see the meanness. I do, but I see it as an aberation, not normal. I think "THAT is not a nice person", or "boy, he must be unhappy to be that mean". I think most people are friendly. I've tried smiling and saying 'hi' to people throughout the day, and 9 out of 10 will smile back, at least around here. I think that's human nature. People in the city tend to ignore each other more...maybe that's the 'tension' you pick up on. Maybe that's why I don't feel comfortable in cities. Or malls.

>Friend A and I
can be watching TV and see a show, let's say, oh,,,, SouthPark......she
sees it as funny(apparently it was meant to be), I see it as demeaning
...why is that?

There's something where we agree, Bev. I don't watch much TV because I think a lot of it is demeaning/makes people look stupid. Southpark, from the little I've seen (little clips), is worse than most. I don't watch horror movies or those 'dark' movies where the bad guys win. It's just not a world I like to see. I hate practical jokes, too. I don't even watch shows like Hell's Kitchen, because watching Chef call people names that they have to bleep isn't entertainment for me.

Now, as an adult, I empower myself by choosing my
own environment which is my homestead...a place that is not hostile, not
artificial, and not is a place of my doing, my creation,
and it is positive.

I think we homesteaders all do that to some extent. I was never comfortable in the city. Being smooshed together with that much humanity isn't enjoyable to me. I need my space. The city is an 'artificial' world to me...buildings where the windows don't open are a pet peeve of mine. For me, it isn't about fear; it's just not my idea of how the world should be. Maybe it IS about control; molding our homesteads into the kind of world we want (and I'll bet ours are very similar).

I don't see nature as hostile, but I sure respect her power. I think we've all learned that it's easier to work with Mother Nature than try to fight her. I live in her world, so I have to accommodate her seasons and whims. My joy comes from being able to sit inside by the fire and watch Mother Nature send down a blizzard. Yeah, I have to put on my 17 layers and go out in it sometimes, but knowing my comfy chair is by the fire makes it OK.

Lynn Wigglesworth

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