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baslinux - Re: [BL] Abiword problem

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  • From: baslinux AT
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] Abiword problem
  • Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 08:38:36 +1200

Message from Steven
Sindi wrote:
> Plays mp3's properly online, but wma comes in bursts.
> I have the same problem with wma's using uclibc-mplayer
> at a station where I know the IP number:
> mplayer -ao oss mms://

It seems to work OK for me:
mplayer mms://
However, it is a 64kb stream so it
soon depletes the cache (because it
is too fast for my dialup connection).

> Steven, do you want to try to compile the
> latest mplayer (v1.0rc2) to work with URLs,
> wma, ogg and video? 9MB source code.

No. My current mplayer (with wrapper scripts)
does everything I want. It even works with
the Firefox plugin.

> There is also David Moberg's script for streaming
> mp3 using wget and mpg123 (or use mpg321 or other
> mp3 player) but no buffer
> wget -O - | mpg123 -

I believe that works only for http URLs.
wget won't fetch from mms, etc.


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