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baslinux - Re: [BL] wordwrapping editor redux

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  • From: baslinux AT
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] wordwrapping editor redux
  • Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 23:57:02 +0000 (UTC)

On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 baslinux AT wrote:

On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 09:33:17PM +0000, baslinux AT wrote:

make CFLAGS="--static" with uclibc (precompiled). GNU nano 2.0.4

2.0.3 - too many typos!!!

Thanks for your efforts Sindi, and for the quick response. I've tried editing a file with it and it is not working quite right, though. For example if I enter nano filename at the command line, it doesn't actually open the named file but starts a new file with the name of the file specified (I used autocompletion, so I'm sure the file name was entered

I think that happened to me too with the static version. The uclibc-dynamic version does not wrap either but it does edit the same file that I worked on before. Maybe the 2005 uclibc does not compile it correctly?

Makefile could not find curses.h when I tried to compile with glibc2, dynamic. Static compile could not find 'makeinfo' in bash.

In uclibc there is no /usr/include/ncurses - the header files are in /usr/include directory so I copied them there. Then dynamic compile could not find 'makeinfo' tar -zxvf /cd/slakware/ap1/texinfo.tgz usr/bin/makeinfo

make - complains about gpm libraries. (The BL2 pico needs libgpm and libncurses).

./configure --help has an enable-tiny feature (leaves things out).
./configure --disable-mouse
It compiled (dynamically and ld-linux, does not need ncurses).

181K dynamic-libc6 (stripped)

This time it does wrap lines as a default. And reads in files with Ctrl-R

I uploaded to

The glibc-static version is 691K stripped. Do you want a copy?

It is easier to compile with uclibc but things don't always work right.
Karolis, can you repeat this experiment with the newer uclibc?

correctly). Wrapping doesn't work, as you mentioned, though the program tells you it is on/off when you press the designated keys. I was also unable to insert a file (ctrl r), and the keys started doing other things than they are specified for afterward (ctrl x did not exit the program, but asked me for the name of a file to open). So, despite your efforts and good intentions, it seems that this version of nano will not be useable. Again, thanks for your willingness to help and quick response. I'll just try and stick it out with the older version of Pico I got with Pine. Perhaps in the future I will try my own hand at some compiling against uclibc or libc5.

Please test this nano if you have glibc 2.2.5 or I will upload the static one for you to test. I don't have BL3 set up to compile.


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