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baslinux - Re: [BL] ERROR 30:R/O file system - loop BL3 with 2.4.31 kernels

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  • From: sindi keesan <keesan AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] ERROR 30:R/O file system - loop BL3 with 2.4.31 kernels
  • Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 01:42:20 +0000 (UTC)

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006 3aoo-cvfd AT wrote:

sindi keesan wrote:

I need to know the library's (default gateway) IP number
so I can ping it.

The default gateway is a machine ON YOUR NETWORK that links
to the outside world. It is not an external destination.

My network consists of my own computer at present, and I would want to access the internet via the library computer - does that not make it a gateway? Do I need to assign my computer an IP number similar to the library's network?

I tried to compile software to determine the IP numbers
of available networks

First you need to figure out how to establish a connection
(set the parameters on your wireless card).

who do are a few miles from here

I'm pretty sure the range of a wireless card is less
than a mile.

I know, I would need to physically go to their house on my bike.
The library is closer.

It is encouraging that the modules inserted

The modules will insert even when the network parameters
are wrong.

I can insert any pcmcia module whether or not the device is there, but I could NOT insert the orinoco modules in 2.2.26 (the ones you compiled) and had to compile them for 2.4.31 and set up ext2 linux so it was not all that easy to get the modules to insert, it took two days.

It also took a lot of experimenting to get Win98 to install drivers (and they don't seem to detect any signal at all).

and I can detect one of three other networks in the area.

Detecting is not connecting.

It is a big start, means the drivers and card are doing something.

Which parameters other than port_type, IP address (to ping
and use as gateway) and key?

Don't ask me. I know nothing about your wireless card.
My wireless cards use a completely different protocol.

What did you connect to?

I suggest you experiment with setting up a wireless network
between two of your own computers. That will give you a
clearer idea of what is involved.

The other won't access websites online or pick up any signals

This sort of implies the wireless networking is not working in it.
I tried two cards with the drivers from OEM CDs. I tried PPP networking via modem and could not access websites after dialing and connecting.
I did not try a wired network card in that computer.

I was able to detect other networks on two other computers, one Win98 (briefly until it rejected pcmcia hardware) and one linux. I consider that a success.

I'm not talking about accessing websites. I'm talking about
putting two computers side-by-side and creating a network
between them (using identical parameters for the wireless
cards in both computers).

Someone at the public library must know their IP number.

Stop worrying about the library IP number. You need a
connection first. Think of it this way: you need a network
cable running from your computer to the library computer.

No, it has to be wireless, they do not support wired networking except between library computers.

If I can detect three other networks, after inserting modules and doing ifconfig to assign my own IP address, am I still not connected and if so how do I connect? Sorry to be obtuse.

How do I ping to test a connection if I do not know the IP number to ping?

If the cable isn't there (or is faulty), the IP number is
useless. First you need a sound cable (or wireless signal)
that is correctly plugged into the two computers. The
wireless parameters are the plugs for the wireless signal.

Do you have a public access point you could experiment on?

No. Moreover, my two wireless cards use an old, slow protocol
that is not compatible with the current standard.


Does anyone on the list have wireless networking going in BL, with orinoco?


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