market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
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- From: Victoria Mundy Bhavsar <toria AT>
- To: "Market Farming" <market-farming AT>
- Subject: Re: Fast Food
- Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2001 18:51:35 -0400
I agree. The one problem I see with that is that when the price of food
rises, it is the poorest people who are hurt first, and they really are
*hurt* not just inconvenienced. The solution to that problem, *I* think, is
that the rest of us who can afford food at higher prices should be
responsible for making sure everyone gets it...even if we have to give up
other things to do it. This is just a deep heart reaction, I have no idea
where the lines should actually be drawn.
I think another thing that needs to be done is to STOP -- somehow -- this
runaway train of companies dreaming up new products, food or otherwise, one
after the other that they can create "need" for. Those "Lunchables"
thingies give me a stomachache just seeing an ad for them! Imagine the
problems we'd solve if we could put all that brainpower and money into
something actually usefull.
And excuse *MY* rant. ;)
>Produce less food.
>Make it more expensive for processors and consumers
>and people will start to value it.
Fast Food,
Del Williams, 07/07/2001
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Fast Food, Victoria Mundy Bhavsar, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Del Williams, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Marie Kamphefner, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Brian and Jacqueline Potzkai, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Victoria Mundy Bhavsar, 07/07/2001
- fast food, wakely11, 07/07/2001
- Re: fast food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Jill Taylor Bussiere, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Del Williams, 07/08/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Joan Vibert, 07/08/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/08/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/08/2001
- Re: fast food, wakely11, 07/08/2001
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