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Subject: Market Farming
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- From: "jay gee" <jgj23 AT>
- To: "Market Farming" <market-farming AT>
- Subject: Re: Fast Food
- Date: Sun, 08 Jul 2001 14:36:07 +0000
Joan Vibert wrote:
>I think this whole issue goes back to the need to make it desirable to have
>family meals again. All this quick crap came about because of "busy
>schedules", which is a bunch of hooey.
Although it is desirable for families to gather round the table and
communicate regularly, creating advertising to deliver such a message
would be counterproductive to farming interests for two reasons:
1.) The number of single parent families in this country makes it
much more difficult for those families with single parents who
work two jobs, swing shift or whose work requires them to travel
or be away extended periods (firemen, pilots and flight attendants,
truck drivers, etc.) to sit down to dinner regularly. Single parent
households make up a substantial portion of the total number
of families. Such a campaign would probably cause guilt feelings
in these household heads and they would tune out the message;
2.) It is much easier to focus on the benefits of "real food" and
simple meals. In addition to the taste, health benefits, non gm
ingredients, no pesticides, and other things that can be shown,
those messages can be tailored to all audiences, multiple parent,
single parent, teeners, youngsters, etc. The punch/closing image
for each of these commercials would be showing the people who
prepared the food, sitting together eating it, smiling and talking
(delivering the message you want indirectly).
It is much easier to sell a product or product group and let
people adapt their behavior to that message than to sell
behavior directly. The best example I can think of is the anti-
shoot your fellow gangster advertising that ran in Los Angeles
in the last couple of years. Gangsters have not stopped
shooting each other and consider the ads "stupid."
Jay Gee
not a farmer -- but interested in farming
Re: Fast Food
, (continued)
- Re: Fast Food, Brian and Jacqueline Potzkai, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Victoria Mundy Bhavsar, 07/07/2001
- fast food, wakely11, 07/07/2001
- Re: fast food, jay gee, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Jill Taylor Bussiere, 07/07/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Del Williams, 07/08/2001
- Re: Fast Food, Joan Vibert, 07/08/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/08/2001
- Re: Fast Food, jay gee, 07/08/2001
- Re: fast food, wakely11, 07/08/2001
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