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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Irony

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  • From: DSanner106 AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Irony
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:35:39 EDT

I was a bit surprised at all the hoopla surrounding Mr. Wilson's brief
outburst, do we not all remember the speaker of the senate, Reid calling
a liar? Do we not remember the Dems as a body refusing to stand for
President Bush when he delivered the 2006 state of the union address?? That
not one man losing his cool for less than a second, but an organized effort
by the Democratic party to slight a sitting president and embarrass him on
national television. Their misbehavior on that occasion went on for the
entire speech. I disagree with both on this, the office of the Presidency
deserves a level of respect whether you agree or not with what the current
holder is saying. We have seen an apology from Wilson at least, delivered
immediately after the speech ended, and later on television, we should ask
same of the Dems and move on.


Much worse any way you cut it. No apologies from Reid, or the Dems for
their behavior to this day.

In a message dated 9/11/2009 2:24:15 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
erthnsky AT writes:

Robert Walton wrote:
> It's a real shame. I did see Wilson being interviewed and you could hear
> crack in his voice.
> Now I recall people hooping it up when Bush got the show thrown at him.
> least that was not done by a US citizen. I thought that that
> was definitely a punishable offense.
> Decorum is a thing of the past. Politics have always been nasty, but at
> least politicians tried to appear above it all and people in polite
> tried to stay away from politics. Now we roll in the mud proudly.

What you say is true. Our generation has been sullied by reality TV and
the lack of family values, or at least the lack of family mealtimes
together where manners are taught and lessons on decorum are learned.
Little kids learn decorum in church and in school and other places.
Even if you don't want to say the pledge of allegiance, for example, you
stand and at least show respect to others who are pledging. If you
don't want to sing the National Anthem, don't sing, but at least stand
in respect. I see so many incidences of disrespect where there is a
lack of decorum. We can blame Judge Wapner and Judge Judy and others
for allowing litigants to act crazy for ratings.

Yeah, I roll in the mud sometimes, but I will say this...
There was a time when I did not care about politics. Now, I care. I'm
learning more and more everyday, from this list and beyond, because I am
paying more attention. Perhaps I have traded my apathy for mud, but I
suspect I am not alone. Maybe in time, I will come to some sort of
equilibrium, and maybe wallow in Jello instead of is cleaner and

> The Internet has created a new medium that's like fuel to a fire for
> rumors and crazy ideas, it's a shame, the Internet was such a great
thing 10
> years ago.

I'd go back a bit further than 10 years for the time you are reminiscing
about. Having lost my internet connection for the past 60 hours(I know
I said 56 before, but I can't was 61 actually), I still think
the internet is a great thing. I missed you guys!

> I remember days when I read more treads than I deleted from this list. I
> even remember when people saved treads form this list as something

12-15 years ago, I saved almost everything. These days, I usually save
James' informative posts on Gardening, but in checking my file, I see
the last two things I saved were from Lynda. On 7/7 she wrote a great
primer on berries, and on 6/17 she wrote a safety guide for pressure
canning. Going back further, I have posts from James and Susan Jane on
scything and seed sowing techniques, a few from Marie and Lynda on the
donkey thread, and a one from Lynn on confusing squash bugs.

People here have plenty to share. Most just devalue their own opinions
and experience. Even a failure is important to share.

Sage, if you are reading, I'm glad to see that you got some much needed
rain. As I watched the radar this afternoon, I kept saying YES!
And Rob, you should see those JA's!!

Sleep well tonight, for somewhere in the ocean's depths, MY son is
protecting your freedom on the USS Key West, currently deployed
somewhere in the Pacific and/or Indian Ocean. Go Navy!
EarthNSky Farm, NW Georgia, USA

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