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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?

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  • From: Clansgian AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?
  • Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2009 09:39:16 EDT

> They
tell a very different story and are jealous of our system.

Drew, I worked as an independent contractor for a major pharmaceutical
companty (GlaxoSmithKline) for 13 years. This company also has a major
presence in France, also in Germany, England, Ireland, Spain, and Italy. I
with the internationally connected LIMs and so over the years got to know a
good number of people in those countries, enough to ask some questions on
the side.

I never ran into one who was jealous of our "health care" system. Not one
out of more than 100 whom I informally quizzed over the years. In fact,
most of them who were here on a work visa waited until they could schedule a
vacation back home before having any sort of medical work done.

>If you are diagnosed with breast
cancer in France you are 5 times more likely to die from it, same for
Prostate Cancer.

Right. A very good friend of mine falls into that category. He was
diagnosed with prostrate cancer and during the routine examination the doctor
he had high blood pressure and high cholesterol and subscribed a ghastly
schedule of drugs to treat those. The effects of the drugs was horrendous
a few weeks later he fell over dead of heat failure. He told me a week
before that up until being prescribed the drugs he felt fine, but since being
on them he felt he was going to die. He did.

So .... he didn't die of prostrate cancer ... because our system of CYA
over medication that passes for the best "health care" in the world killed

Look beneath that 'five times more likely' to die from prostrate cancer
statistic and you will find that over-medicated Americans who are
pathologically badly nourished, out of shape, and obese die of other things
before the
rather slow progressing prostrate cancer can get them.

The breast cancer statistic is false too. In this country every time an
unnecessary lumpecotmy or masectomy is performed, it is counted as being a
breast cancer cure although there is no evidence that the woman would have
actually had breast cancer otherwise.

The droves of Canadians coming here for treatment is a often quoted truism,
but where is the evidence backing that up? The only actual stats I ever
saw reported were from hostpitals and clinics very near the Canadian border
who reported that Canadian patients were all but non-existent.

I think your French family's jealousy might well be explained by the fact
there's a doctor in the family. In other countries being a physician means
you are well paid in a respected profession, but it is not a ticket to the
wealth you can turn it into in our system.


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