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Subject: Homestead mailing list
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- From: bobf <bobford79 AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts
- Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 16:27:08 -0800 (PST)
Lynda; if I am completely honest with myself, I , like you, think in the long
run we 'could probably' be much better off with a complete collapse of the
current finacial system. But, I'm almost your age, and I have family and
friends that I do not choose to see suffer. I am not in a position to help
them more than a bit.
And, the reason I modified with 'could probably' is because the same stinking
b*stards (or their sons and daughters) could very well be running the 'new'
order of things. There is nothing wrong with using credit; I have had access
to more credit than I could use most of my life. A eprson just needs to be
smart with its use. The problem is when credit is extended to those with no
means or no-how to use , profit, and repay; and then the d*mn goverment comes
in, and changes the rules for everyone.
You live in an important state that is beyond insolvent. California was once
like Eden must have been dreamt. You want your fellow Californians to pay
with cash? How? What cash? The answers just are not simple..........
--- On Mon, 12/29/08, Lynda <lurine AT> wrote:
> Ah, Bob, seriously, we have that now. All of those things
> have been on a
> steady increase over the last 15 to 20 years. AND, a lot
> of folks are *one*
> paycheck away from complete disaster.
> The system is not going to change, period. That is unless
> something radical
> happens AND, a large part of the problem will have to be
> laid at the feet of
> the very people who you are worried about. Until folks
> stop with the
> sheople business and stop with wanting more and more nanny
> state, it will
> continue to deteriorate!
> And, why, pray tell, would you want things to "return
> to normal"? Normal is
> a failure. It has created a "me" society of
> sheople who rarely think for
> themselves and expect Uncle Sam to provide everything for
> them. If I hear
> one more person say "it's not fair," I'll
> scream. Maybe a truck should
> drive through every town in the U.S. playing the song
> "I Never Promised You
> A Rose Garden." Life ain't fair. Period! The
> concept of "luck," etc. is a
> myth. Make your own luck.
> I was lucky in that I knew my grandparents and the other
> greats. These were
> people born in the 1800s. They didn't expect the
> government to provide them
> with health care or to invent jobs for them or to provide
> half their rent or
> to provide food stamps or, or, or. They didn't have
> credit or want it.
> They saved for what they wanted. It is beyond time that we
> went back to a
> cash society!
> I think the problem here is that you are looking through
> glasses whose
> lenses are still being defined by the government. The
> government wants you
> to worry, big time, over the list you gave because that way
> you won't be
> inclined to stop and really change how you look at all this
> stuff. AND how
> you react to it.
> Lynda
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts
, (continued)
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
bobf, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, bobf, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, Lynda, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] was Sky-is-falling , fable added, bobf, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, Lynda, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, EarthNSky, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
bobf, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynda, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
bobf, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, Lynda, 12/30/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
bobf, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Wendy, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, Wendy, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, bobf, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Cathy, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, bobf, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, bobf, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Rob, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynda, 12/29/2008
- Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts, bobf, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynda, 12/29/2008
Re: [Homestead] Sky-is-falling forecasts,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 12/29/2008
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