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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Stealing an Election-Big Picture

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  • From: rayzentz AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Stealing an Election-Big Picture
  • Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 13:13:04 -0400

The whole scenario you paint is totally possible. It relies on an alert
electorate, vigilant for such those things, We don't have it.

-----Original Message-----
From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 10:06 am
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Stealing an Election-Big Picture

This is a lay it on the line post. As many of you know, I do believe
hat there are People Out There, call them whatever you want, that pull
he strings and make things happen on a large scale. I think the
hapter outlined below could set up global or at least regional
onsolidation of power for those people.
bob ford wrote:
Bev, hoping this is just a drill, not the real thing, and who plans
to write a letter to her representative outlining these concerns, in
hopes that no one, Republican or Democrat, is ever able to do that.
> Bev, wait until nezxt wed. am . Hpefully this will be clear cut, one
way or the other.
I'll admit that this election has really affected me, but this coup idea
s not new. Back in the 90's when I first got online, people were
fraid Clinton would become a dictator through all of his executive
rders...then it was Bush's turn to become the Evil King To of
he reason's Hillary lost, as you know, is this lingering fear of
linton dictatorship/Legacy. And like Lynn pointed out, as unpopular as
ush was, there was no impeachment there, so impeachment seems to be
ore of a political tool of embarrassment than a way of removing a
resident from office. There seems to be no recourse when a President
s 'bad' and when the Senate refuses to impeach.
o, in this election, or the next one, or the next one, or any election,
eally, a few people really could hijack the process while we dick
round arguing about whether picture ID's disenfranchises voters or
hether felons should vote or whether electronic voting is rigged or
hether candidates can take 'laundered' money via gift cards, etc. etc...
really only use Obama as an example cuz he is the President du
our<sp> and the current Democrats fill the conspiracy roles nicely.
ut think about it...What if..Pelosi, Frank, Reid, and maybe a few other
op left leaning Democrats cooked up this scheme to elect a very liberal
President who would transform America into some Super Democracy of
heir own warped thinking(I do believe that there are people out there,
oth left and right of center, who truly believe that America would be
reater if...whatever..they may not have evil intentions at all, but
hey do have the intent to drastically and radically change this
ountry.) So, the Democratic Cabal rework the plan, the Leftist Plan
or America that has been tabled since the 60's, waiting for the day
hen Democrats controlled everything and then...In walks Obama, an IL
tate Senator, who is a poster child for American symbolism and
istory..biracial, single parent, moved around...yada yada, AND who is
ery left leaning, so left that the NP has endorsed him. He is perfect
or the part.
uddenly, he has a speaking gig at a convention, and despite him saying
ne day that he was not ready to be president, starts a campaign to do
ust that a year later. With help from the upper eschelons of the Left
abal of the Democratic party, he was groomed...
eanwhile, The Wicked Witch and her henchmen start cooking the books
ith Fannie and Freddie and the gang and setting the table so that
merica would bow down and welcome anyone who represented Change, and we
ould be so desperate for that that we would overlook any potential
itfall the candidate has. Money would be spend to put Dems in the House
nd Senate. Media would be bought and paid for, Bush digs his own grave
nd recall that Pelosi refused to lead the charge call for impeachment,
ust allowing the sore to fester, McCain and the rest of the Republicans
an't find any unity and of course have to fight Bush's image, etc. etc.
epublicanism is allowed to become a festering cancre in the minds of
he public.
o make sure things go the right way and to provide an excellent
istraction, two things are done...the economy is intentionally tanked
o make people desperate and give the candidate a talking point to
istract from his past/associations, etc., AND groups like ACORN and
ther minions of the Party encourage fraud in registration and voting-
he ground game, which has enough distance from the candidate that he
annot be held liable for their actions.
o..Obama wins the election in a close-fought battle, close enough that
stink is made about fraud and there are multiple investigations across
any states. Of course, no one holds Obama personally liable, but let's
ay they find he won due to fraud in several states and through the
lectoral process, was wrongly made president. Due to apathy, his
opularity, and the fact that he has only been in office less than a
ear, he is given a pass, so to speak, and all is well, because by then,
eople will be getting their first checks from the administration,
.stimulus checks, tax rebates, or whatever it happens to be, the people
ill see Change in their pockets and be quiet.
ver the next year, however, the tide begins to turn, and for whatever
eason, he begins to loose popular support. Congress is pushing
egislation through, disenfranchising Republicans, who start complaining
n their medium, talk radio and certain news outlets. To thwart this,
he Fairness Doctrine is reinstated by the Cabal, and suddenly,
reedom of speech is gone. Suddenly, groups like Homestead, where
reedom of thought and freedom of speech are encouraged, are shut down.
People demonstate and there are clashes between demonstrators. Joe the
ssassin takes a shot at Obama or Pelosi or Biden, and
uddenly, there is Marshall Law and weapons are confiscated. Chaos
nsues. The few remaining Republicans call for calm and impeachment,
ut the Senate won't do it, and Elections for 2012 are canceled. Then,
bama becomes a dictator, maybe even a benevolent dictator, but the
oint is that the process, the magic of this country, is gone.
That is some scenario, huh?
es, it is fiction, but it would not be difficult for a few people to
anipulate the country like that. I picked on Obama because, as you all
now, I am not under the Obama spell, but the coup could just as easily
ave been made by the Righteous Right Republicans or some group that
oesn't even exist right now.
I just think we need a few more checks and balances in the way we elect
ur President, who is typically considered the Leader of the Free World.
he current process seems to be too easily manipulated, and it would be
hild's play for the Powers That Be, who may have already tested the
aters in past two elections in preparation for this one or the next one....
don't see any reason to wait until after the election to write. For
ll I know, some group somewhere has already got the wheels in motion,
r maybe McCain wins then dies, and President Palin is the one who
ecomes a dictator, after all, she *is* the one guilty of abuse of power...
o, I dunno. We have a lot of holes to plug or this ship's going
own. The only stopgap I see to a scenario like this is the military
taging it's own coup on the Leadership.
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to
ate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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