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baslinux - Re: [BL] base64 (MIME) encoder/decoder

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  • From: Lee Forrest <lforrestster AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] base64 (MIME) encoder/decoder
  • Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 16:45:18 -0800

On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 06:32:40PM +0000, sindi keesan wrote:
> Lee Forrest wrote (concerning replacements for 'man').


> >But hang loose. I've got the mutt from your site working on BL
> >(thanks again), but haven't tested msmtp or fetchmail or procmail
> >and straightened out their configuration files, if necessary.
> With a few good scripts mutt should not be needed for basic file upload
> and download including base64 encoding/decodgin.

Mutt does a _lot_ more than that.

(including a lot of stuff I don't need, so I _will_ be
re-compiling it at some point to get rid of

> >Many thanks to David Moberg for creating the uclibc, statically-linked
> >executables of msmtp and fetchmail, and the new pppd-2.4.1 dynamically
> >linked libc5, for me. (And anyone who asks me for them. I don't have
> >a website right now, but will netcat them over.)
> You could ask David to post them, and/or I could do so.

That's nice of you. They were on one of David's sites, but I got
the feeling it was just temporary, and he didn't give me permission
to post the URLs.

> I know how to write .procmailrc and .forward to filter spam as it arrives
> in my shell account.

> Is there some way to filter it before downloading
> with POP?

The same way, but you won't need the .forward unless you using a
full-featured MTA like sendmail or exim.

Usually, fetchmail is used to retrieve mail from a popserver, and
you put this line in your ~/.fetchmailrc:

and wants mda "/usr/bin/formail -ds /usr/bin/procmail"

Unless SSL/TLS is required, an old fetchmail should work just fine.

(I only need the newer version statically-compiled with uclibc
because gmail requires SSL. An older, dynamically-linked, version
would be much smaller.)

> >Making the shift from debian to BL is my top computer priority at
> >present.
> >
> >debian 5923 directories, 434851 files 3.2G
> >
> >BL 116 directories, 974 files 23M
> What programs does this include?

Later. When I'm "done".

> Abiword is a biggie (12MB).

Never used it. I use just a plain text editor, and if I'm going to
print it, I write HTML and use a utility to convert it to PDF.

> The few times I tried to use it to edit WORD files it botched
> the format. Could not even import tables. They now send
> pdf instead. I can print that with netpbm after converting
> pdftopbm.

I Don't do M$ stuff.

> >>>I've installed elvis from SW4.0 (I really need a
> >>>full-featured editor) and altered the man script like so:
> >>>
> >>>gunzip /usr/man/$1.gz && /usr/bin/elvis /usr/man/$1 && gzip
> >>>/usr/man/$1
> >>
> >>Would this also work with the busybox vi (in the version I
> >>compiled, 1.1.0)?
> I tested and it displays the man pages with tags, same as less.
> does ...

They have to be converted to plain text first. That was made
clear in the part you deleted.

> >>>Get me the templates for the various mails_with_attachments
> >>>you want to send, and I'll write that script.
> >>
> >>Do I need different templates depending on the file format
> >>(jpg zip doc..)?
> >
> >Not sure. Maybe if those are specified in the boundary
> >markers. Hmmm... I guess not. No reason the script to couldn't
> >read the filetype and assign it to a local environment
> >variable. I don't _think_...
> So do you need my help for this project?

Yes. I told you I don't do attachments and have no experience
there and am not interested in learning how.

Sending big, non-text files via email is one of the things that
has served to wreck the email system. It makes it easy for
spammers and virus-spreaders and spyware-spreaders and the like.
And eats up bandwidth and clogs routers/gateways.

Originally, you sent _letters_, text, by email, and other
things were sent by FTP, kermit, uucico and the like.

That's how I think it should be done. I don't like being
a part of the abuse of the email system.

Because of this abuse, it has been rendered almost useless.
Most people don't even bother anymore.

One of the foundations of the internet is now rotten.

Yes, I know, it's SOP at this point. So is war.

> (I have to do some paid work now).

There's plenty of time.


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