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baslinux - Re: CLI 'wordprocessing' with text editor, was Re: [BL] HTML editor for BL2

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  • From: sindi keesan <keesan AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: CLI 'wordprocessing' with text editor, was Re: [BL] HTML editor for BL2
  • Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 04:05:31 +0000 (UTC)

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004, Ron Clarke wrote:

Hi Sindi,

On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 03:45:54 +0000 (UTC)
sindi keesan <keesan AT> wrote:

I found a website that says there is NO way to do a hard page break with
HTML, which is designed for screen not paper.

That is correct.

So, why would you want an HTML file to have page breaks ?

Because I translate documents with separate pages and I have to provide a file with them. I need to produce some format that WORD can import - WP51/DOS, RTF, HTML are on the list. I am looking for some way to translate CLI in linux. I don't want to bother with DOSemu and it is a nuisance to switch from DOS to linux and reboot.

This would be just for small documents like birth certificates. Type them up without bold/underline/centering, add those with ^b &b and search and replace with <bold></bold>, convert to rtf if more than one page and add a page break with rtf. I download these things as .gif or .pdf files and could stay in linux and translate them while online that way and send them right back.

One could use a text editor combined with lynx or links to write HTML
code, and then convert to ps to print or rtf to send elsewhere and add
page breaks then.

Again, why ?

Because I have not found any CLI wordprocessor for linux and I avoid GUIs like the plague. I find them annoying and they slow me down. I like TTL and amber text. All my text is the same size, font, and color anyway but I like to see that I got the underlines in the right place before sending.
Lynx will show me that if I set up lynx.lss to distinguish bold from underline in MDA/TTL.

html2ps (a perl 5 script), available also for DOS (is there a Perl for

Yes, I have heard mention of it but know nothing about it.

Netscape - converts HTML to ps so you can print web pages.
Opera might do the same.

I use Phoenix for that. :)
Do all GUI browsers print graphics that way?

Sorry, this is not really related to HTML editors but to finding a small
CLI wordprocessor that will run on old computers without 16-bit color.

FWIW, I also use PEDIT for DOS as a non-graphical text editor/
programming editor/word processor. Freeware.

I have a collection of DOS text editors but have not tried PEDIT. Will it let me add underlines and view them WYSIWYG? I usually use my partner's text editor. He keeps adding features on request but so far no macros.

But for Linux, what is wrong with the internal editor of MC ?
Then F3 to see the result (single font).

Just looked and it appears to be closely based on the original CLI 'ted' (which we have in many versions for DOS) and/or red (used by nettamer as editor) and which is also the basis for my partner's text editor which he wrote in DOS Assembler language, converted to nasm and is hoping to get working in linux. He is all excited about looking at the source code for mcedit now. Thanks! It even does macros. I was going to look at Joe. I get frustrated having to page up and down several times with pico to reach file beginning and end. (I think e3pi does better at this).

With luck mcedit will be useable instead of rewriting the DOS text editor in linux nasm. It edits larger files too.

I just figured out what you mean by type F3.
I arrow down to the file in question, type F4 to edit it with mcedit,
or F3 to view it without code (using lynx, apparently). This is great!
I expected F3 to display the code along with the text.

Is there some way to view RTF files this way?


Ron Clarke
AUSREG Consultancy
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