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baslinux - Re: [BL] Debian packages and busybox

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  • From: qwms-avib AT
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] Debian packages and busybox
  • Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 10:40:03 +0000

keesan2 AT wrote:
> I am not using pkgtool. You are.

Actually, I usually use installpkg (same as you).
But since installpkg is just a subroutine of
pkgtool, I am actually using pkgtool (same as you).

> Pkgtool is just preferred by people who like colored
> menus rather than command-line and typing.

Isn't it nice that pkgtool gives you a choice?
You can use the pkgtool menu or you can use the
command line. However, there are some advantages
in using the menu:
(1) you don't have to remember the various commands,
' parameters and file names.
(2) you can install several packages (from the same
' directory) in one operation.

> I think it was something about cannot find is the installation script. It varies from
package to package.

> Did this have somethign to do wtih creating links?

Sometimes it creates/destroys links. But it can do other
things as well. It is just an ordinary script. So anything
you can do with a script, could be done by

> Opera was not from Debian. I installed it just fine
> with installpkg.

Are you sure? I thought Opera came as a self-installing
package (you just uncompress it and run

> > Installing a package may involve more than putting the
> > files in the right place. Settings may need to be changed.
> > Startup scripts may need to be modified. Links may need
> > to be created/destroyed.
> Installpkg seems capable of handling all this.

Indeed, that is what installpkg (and the other pkgtool
subroutines) were designed for. However, tar does not
do this. I was simply responding to your suggestion that
tar could be used for this purpose.


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