ch-scene AT
Subject: RTP-area local music and culture
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- From: rcu AT
- To: ch-scene AT
- Subject: Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?
- Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 14:36:48 -0400
>> the concept is hardly new
Chris Rossi writes:
> as acknowledged in the original post.
Granted. I meant the resurrection of the concept. Overall today I
think private security forces far outnumber cops.
> the outcomes were disastrous.
I don't know the facts of the Pinkerton days and FWIW I don't
especially promote this plank and don't know of any Libs who've
ever campaigned on it. But if it is the excuse you need to vote for a
spoiled rich Skull-and-Bones member who supports the war and the Patriot
act and the general power of the president to kill anyone he wants to,
you found it.
> which was also mentioned in the original post.
Well I believe I mentioned that it wasn't private security guards
who kidnapped me and stole my car and guns. It was cops, claiming to
be acting in your name. Are you opposed on principle to bossing people
around at gunpoint, or is it okay as long as it's your guys doing the
> libertarians also like laissez faire economic policies, which landed us
> in the great depression.
I think there was more than a little forcible govt manipulation of
money markets in the decade leading up to that. And a decade of FDR
socialism afterwards left the economy still Depressed.
> as soon as individual decisions start to affect other people you've
> entered the social realm which requires some give and take.
A free man should be made to pay for the harm he causes to other people
(and their property), but otherwise should be left alone. Paying fines
and going to jail are not things that peaceful honest people should have
to do. Your life belongs to you and the good is to live it as you best
see fit. Your only obligation to me is to see fit well enough not to
infringe my equal right to live my life as best I see fit.
> like it or not, a democratic government is the best place to mediate
> that give and take and make decisions that affect lots of people, not
> just one person.
We don't have democratic government now, and only the Libertarians are
working to restore it. The demopublicans have openly falsified the
vote tallies since their 1987 ban on write-in voting, and now they are
openly doing away with the paper trail with the new voting machines and
their unrecountable electrons.
Nice to have you over last night.
Ray Ubinger
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?
, (continued)
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
rcu, 10/07/2004
- OT:Meeting TONIGHT Green Building Practices/Biofuels, alex kostelnik, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
Chris Rossi, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
Christa Wessel, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, Chris Rossi, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
Christa Wessel, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
rcu, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, grady, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, James Hepler, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, Jason M. Sullivan, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, rcu, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
rcu, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
Chris Rossi, 10/07/2004
Message not available
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, My friend Phil said,, 10/09/2004
Message not available
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
Chris Rossi, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
rcu, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, rcu, 10/07/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, rcu, 10/07/2004
Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?,
rcu, 10/08/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, rws6, 10/08/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, Jason M. Sullivan, 10/09/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, rcu, 10/08/2004
- Re: Off topic talk of..How'd my man do?, rcu, 10/10/2004
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