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baslinux - Re: [BL] MPlayer

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  • From: sindi keesan <keesan AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] MPlayer
  • Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 03:57:48 +0000 (UTC)

I have also run into some realaudio links that I cannot figure out how to extract URLs from, such as the one at WCPE.

I have no idea what to extract here.

It is not the part before the first ?, I just got 0 bytes and exited at end of file. http://wcpe/wcpeint/gsdemand/prerollad.rm did not work either. Realaudio is not very transparent.

For purposes of comparison, I played (ogg)
and (mp3)

Both say you need at least a cable modem.

The MP3 file played until it ran out of buffer (rather soon, since it it 224 kbit/sec and my connection is about 44kbit/sec of that) and then terminated with premature EOF.

The ogg file kept playing, with an occasional little skip and with good quality sound, until I went online to write email, then it stopped getting the signal fast enough to keep up and also terminated with EOF.

They both seem to be 44100Hz sample rate, 16-bit stereo. Is the ogg also averaging 224 kbit/sec?

I think the ogg file filled the cache a bit sooner but I did not time it.

This is the only classical OGG station I have listened to so far (I still can't find my way around CBC and will need to look it up in an email).

On Tue, 10 May 2005, sindi keesan wrote:

The other problem is that sometimes there are two URLS, the first of which is a short intro sometimes asking for donations, the second the actual broadcast, so it would need to clip out the second URL.

I'll attempt at fixing this.

It is worse than this.

I don't know how to tackle the WMP sites at all.
Lynx recognize the link as video/x-ms-asf, and produces no URL at all, just a station description (or sometimes a blank page).

MP3 (.mp3, but URLs that you actually play can end in anything)

audio/x-mpegurl (.m3u)
A typical one gave ........... URL

audio/x-scpls (.pls playlist)
...... File1=http:..... ..... File2=http:.... .......
The SECOND file here contains the broadcast, the first just an intro to the station.

Realaudio (.ra .ram .rm .rmm)

It needs to be cut off at the ?

rtsp:.....?........... --stop -- pnm:.....
What plays is the rtsp:// part (the first, not the second URL)

Cut off at the ?

So the script for mp3 needs to select the second, and the one for realaudio the first, URL. But this is just a small sample so far.

For LYNX I need to set up correspondences such as:

VIEWER:audio/xwav:play $1 (or "$@")

SUFFIX:.ram: (etc.)
VIEWER:audio/x-pn-realaudio:/usr/local/sbin/script-toplay-realaudio $1

VIEWER:audio/x-scpls:script-toplay-mp3 $1

SUFFIX: .. (for ogg).

WMP is beyond me - where does the player get the URL? Maybe it is hidden as javascript somewhere and links might handle it.
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