Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: Lawrence London <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 11:32:21 -0500
On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Mark Feineigle <> wrote:
> First off, this is not meant as aggression toward anyone, but I feel
> someone has to say it.
> What is the point of this thread? It isn't a call for solidarity (which I
> would stand in). It isn't a deconstruction of the drug war. It is crying
> into the abyss because someone got dealt a raw hand. It doesn't even say
> WHAT is happening. Are you being threatened? Can you not pay your
> (essential) bills? Is your region being evacuated/eminent domain? Are you
> choosing to leave because you are (rightfully) scared? We can't offer any
> advice if we don't know what the exact problem is.
Some background, a news source for Michoacan:
The Narco News Bulletin
Reporting On the Drug War and Democracy From All America
My opinion, conspiracy speculations notwithstanding. Whoever can put this
in their pipe and smoke it:
"A kneejerk reaction from me would be to say that "The Cabal" sends in
their team to disrupt local traditional agriculture in Mexico (and
elsewhere) anywhere in the hinterland where local folks use their
traditional food production and lifestyle systems to sustain themselves,
survive and stay independent of foreign influences and their surrogates in
Mexico; thus empowering themselves and reinforcing their ability to resist
intrusions into their lands (often common lands [& btw, <an unnamed person>
was using lawyers in Mexico to circumvent common land covenants on farmland
land they were interested in purchasing, read: investment property, (prime
farmland with water and housing and farm structures), thus taking yet more
rural farmable land out of the reach of indigenous Mexicans who have
traditionally used this land through a common ownership system for
centuries. - 'cause they are rich foreigners who want to own more stuff no
matter the costs to anyone else who might be affected adversely by their
greed and lack of compassion]. This "team" I refer to consists consists of
drug cartels and their activities and those who try to convince the public
that they are fighting said drug cartels, i.e. Mex and US law enforcement
(remember Fast and Furious?) and CIA or other related agencies (as they did
in Chile - why not Mexico too, a ripe plum for the picking). Why does The
Cabal do this? Assist multinational agribusiness corporations take over
more food production, processing, distribution and sales within the
vertically integrated agribusiness system they utilize, in Mexico and the
US. More and more food comes from Mexico; with the drought in California
large scale farming could increasingly happen in Mexico to meet needs of
the US market.
Holger and his permaculture community have been directly affected by this,
as I see it. Mere speculation I admit but it may be true to some degree.
The corruption boggles the mind. It exists in most of E/W Europe, Russia
and the USA. Prime example in the US is the activities of Monsanto and
similar associated agribusiness corporations.
In corporate agriculture its increasingly about biotech, high tech digital
farming, new and old types of all categories of pesticides and other
synthesized materials used in chemical-dependant farming and large heavy
automated-digitized-wireless complicated machinery and draining non
renewable resources of the world to support this non sustainable form of
food production, never local food production systems, natural and
sustainable performed by local farmers and gardeners working within a vast
detailed network of local and regional farms.
The Oligarchs. 60 billion $ have been removed from Ukraine by oligarchs,
even more from Russia. What do they need? someplace secure to store their
loot. Not in the US or Russia, too easy for their accounts to be frozen.
So, where do they go? They go to countries where their loot will be safe
and free from being frozen....why frozen" SANCTIONS. Notice UK, Germany,
Switzerland, maybe France, maybe other countries (Austria?) who have not
expressed interest in imposing economic sanctions on Russia. Listen to or
read the H&N interview from yesterday.
Yesterday I heard an interview with a very sharp English gentleman in the
Here and Now show on public radio. He pretty much nailed some of the
root causes of the current crisis involving Russia, Ukraine and Crimea, UK,
US and other western and eastern European countries. This is incredible
work by
Ben Judah. Here is the link to the podcast; you can listen to it online
(replay March 4 H&N broadcast recording) or download it for later listening.
Why Russia’s Not Worried About Western Sanctions
Though some in the West wonder why Russia would risk its political and
economic relationships with Western allies by invading Ukraine, political
analyst and author *Ben Judah* says this should come as no surprise at all.
In fact, Judah maintains that Western countries, particularly those in
Europe, may have more to lose than Russia does. With Russia investing
billions of dollars in Western economies — including real estate in Paris
and London, and millions in European bank accounts — Judah says Russian
President Vladimir Putin is confident he has nothing to lose.
He speaks with *Here & Now’ <>*s Robin Young.
- Read Ben Judah’s piece in Politico, “Why Russia No Longer Fears the
> Then the associating permaculture, negatively, with impermanence. How does
> asking unanswerable philosophical questions A.) get the land back, B.) stop
> the drug war, or C.) help the permaculture community? And... everyone
> chimes in because we all love talking about philosophy.
> This is another divisive thread that does nothing but distract from real
> issues. Whether it is an alphabet soup agency behind it, or just some
> person who is caught up in being the center of the world... same results:
> wasted time while permaculture is trash-talked/defended on non-issues. We
> are all going to die. The sun is going to burn out. Why do we do anything?
> Are these "real" questions? Sure, but they do not belong on a permaculture
> list.
It is neither divisive or distracting. It is someone who is part of the
global permaculture community reaching out to
the rest of us, wherever we may live. Holger's post was extremely
important. I, for one, took a much closer look at his world class work in
Mexico because of this.
This list EXISTS for permaculturists like Holger and those doing similar
work and all of use who support this work. My thoughts are 100% consistent
with those expressed by Jason, Georg and Christian.
> "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
> striking at the root." -Thoreau
> The drug wars in Mexico exist because the USA LOVES cocaine, heroin, and
> their associated profits. The USA produces most of its own cannabis and
> methamphetamine (we have hit television *programming* to glorify it), but
> imports the rest. Ideally, the USA would stop consuming these drugs or
> decriminalize them to remove the ultra profits from the supply chain
> running through Mexico.
> There are many drug cartels in Mexico (and all over, check out the Afghan
> poppy fields) vying for a piece of the profit pie. This competition
> complicates everything. The USA's Eric Holder decided that giving money and
> guns via Operation Fast and Furious to the Sinaloa Cartel would allow them
> to dispatch the competing cartels (The enemy of my enemy is my friend.) and
> streamline the supply chain with a monopoly - completely disregarding the
> escalation we have seen.
> If you want to stop the drug wars in Mexico, you're going to need to shoot
> the correct target, the USA/NATO MIC/IMF Empire. My suggestion is to
> disengage the thieves' economy on all non-essential functions. As others
> have said: expect things to get worse before they get better.
> "One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low." -Fuller
> As for culture not being "permanent"... I'd say the Australian Abos,
> American Indians, Maya, Bedouin, and many more had long cultural lives.
> That is, until they ran into the Empire de jour. Cultures change the same
> way trees change as they grow, slowly, in a "natural" way. Ever since Rome
> (likely before), cultures have been changing (assimilate or die) at the
> barrel of a gun.
> -Mark Feineigle
> PS - The TierrAmor project looks awesome. Great work!
> PPS - Call to action for more black sheep, please.
> _______________________________________________
Very excellent post, Mark. Thanks for going to the trouble of posting it.
This indirectly shows great support for Holger and his community and their
current situation.
Lawrence F. London
[permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Holger Hieronimi, 03/02/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture, Lawrence London, 03/02/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Darrell E. Frey, 03/03/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Chris Carnevale, 03/03/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture, Koreen Brennan, 03/04/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Chris Carnevale, 03/03/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture, Pete Gasper, Gasper Family Farm, 03/05/2014
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture,
Jason Gerhardt, 03/03/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture, georg parlow, 03/04/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture,
Mark Feineigle, 03/04/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture, georg parlow, 03/05/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture,
Lawrence London, 03/05/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture, Lawrence London, 03/06/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture, Jason Gerhardt, 03/04/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Juan Manuel Burgos, 03/07/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Steve Hart, 03/07/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Pete Gasper, Gasper Family Farm, 03/09/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture, georg parlow, 03/10/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Pete Gasper, Gasper Family Farm, 03/09/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & permaculture,
Steve Hart, 03/07/2014
Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture,
Juan Manuel Burgos, 03/07/2014
- Re: [permaculture] Impermanence & Permaculture, Lawrence London, 03/08/2014
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