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pcplantdb - Re: [pcplantdb] Synth, comments, etc || EIE

Subject: pcplantdb

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  • From: Bear K <>
  • To: Permaculture Plant Database <>
  • Subject: Re: [pcplantdb] Synth, comments, etc || EIE
  • Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 23:23:58 -0800

Re: Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
Knowledge Engineering For Ecosystem Management
Looks interesting, I'll read it in more depth shortly. Some of the concepts, paradigms, if not tools from these kind of projects would be helpful to catalog. Time to assemble a list of URLs for projects like this.

There are a good number of those links in messages in this list's archive;
I may have more I can post when I locate them in my bookmarks.

Thanks for your suggestions and images Lawrence.

Curious what you though of three of the logos, namely:
Somehow they evoke Tie-Dye to me, not that that's a bad thing, but depending on the users we're looking for, it might not quite work. 14 is a bit too motion blurry. I'd try to keep it pretty crisp. If there was a reason why the title needed to be moving, showing action, or something, the effect would come in handy.

>> Seems there needs to be some sort of pc image up top that goes across
the page within the green
grasses, sunset, brambles, gnarly tree, big treetrunk

I meant the fauna/flora image graphic overlayed on a subtle gray-green-blue background;
possible some composition that include some of the following:
clouds, grasses, sunset, brambles, gnarly tree, big treetrunk, silhouetted images -
something sized to fit in the space currently occupied by your image + green BG.
OK, break up the plain color with a subtle image or pattern for the backdrop.
I have a hi-res image of the dewy spider web (2nd from the left image at bottom of page). Might make a nice subtle pattern for the backdrop, showing the web of connections we're looking for.

I don't quite follow this. There are some technical limits to how the images in the header can combine, if we want it to be a fluid layout. Do you mean sky, cloud, etc images behind the guild image in the header?

Do you know a PC person, at one time in Berkeley, named Milo Clark?
He was on our pc list a long time ago - a major thinker and contributor.
No I don't. I'll ask around though.

John S wrote: Another possibility, sure...web site is going to be the 'toilet paper roll and toothpaste tube' of this project, I suspect (did I already say that? :-)
Yes you did. :-) Yeah, sorry to be taking up a lot of bandwidth on this. Anyone care to comment on the schema or some other subject not related to the website or front-end?

Less vertical space used up by header would be nice. Takes quite a chunk as it is. A more horizontal image and one- or two-line header text (instead of three) would facilitate that.
Agree text portion of logo needs work.
Yup, I'll play with some options. Far from any completed design.

If y'all really want a more vertical image in the header (trees are nice, just tend to be so darn vertical ;-) it could go atop the eventual right-side nav bar, dropping lower than the content header image/text.
That would eat vertical from only the nav links, and not from the content area.
Good suggestions.

You will have to lose that serif font though... ;-)
Not a problem.

Search text entry field extends past right edge of colored box background.
Whoops, different default widths in different browsers, with a hard div-width...thanks for letting me know.

Color of that search form background doesn't float my boat.
Yeah, its a bit of a baby blue color. How about shift the hue over to green? orange?

Thanks for the comments. I'll work on it this week.
Should I take up this role and let Chad get back to schemas and code?


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