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msar-riders - Re: [MSAR] What's in your pack

Subject: Mounted search and rescue

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  • From: "T'mi Finkle" <>
  • To: "'Mounted search and rescue'" <>
  • Subject: Re: [MSAR] What's in your pack
  • Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 05:25:20 -0500

There are few states in the USA that dictate what NGO SAR team members will
carry in their packs as defined within state standards. Our team serves
(and is validated by) two such states Maryland and Virginia. Each of these
states has a printed list detailing what a SAR responder shall carry as a
minimum. Since our team is a card carrying NASAR team each team we must also
have a 24 hour pack available too. All 3 of these documents that outline
gear/equipment are stored within the MSAR-Riders site.

Most of our team members' breakdown their gear and store items in ziplock
bags. A freezer bag type work great because you can write on them defining
the contents of each bag. Many of our team members have a couple of
different packs and can easily change the contents from one pack to another.

My primary pack is an oversize fanny pack with lumbar support and back pack
padded should straps, many team members use a similar type of pack. It
looks somewhat like a backpack that has been cut in half and has a quick
release buckle should you become snagged on something. Since this pack has
a low profile it reduces the chances of getting caught on something by about
50%. With 2 1-litter (filled) water bottles my pack weight 18 pounds and
contains a folding walking stick.

Our team is deployed for search missions 8 to 12 times per year and placed
on standby at least twice that amount. We also require team members to
train with their packs and individual turnout gear, so our packs and gear
gets a fair amount of field use. Like many of the readers here, I spend
some time looking at other MSAR team website; I shake my head when I see
pictures of MSAR folks training without their SAR gear, as if they were
simply having a ride in the park. It is fine if anyone disagrees; but we
search as we train and train as we search, which includes carrying the tools
of the trade.


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