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homestead - [Homestead] Immigration Reform, 1986, was Irony

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  • From: "Lynda" <lurine AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: [Homestead] Immigration Reform, 1986, was Irony
  • Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 09:30:03 -0800

Rob, there is nothing in the law about what type of work the illegals were doing. The only qualification was length of stay and that it had to have begun no later than Jan. 1, 1982. Well, there were also stipulations such as no criminal behavior while in the U.S. There was nothing about agriculture as a qualifier.

Immigration IS legal and it IS regulated. The problem is politics and who gets to decide what part is regulated and where and when.

The problem with *our* immigration law is 1) it is not uniformly enforced; and 2) how the sponsoring countries handle their end. There isn't a blooming thing we can do about that and passing more laws here isn't going to change how the governments, such as El Salvordore handles who can and can't get here.

The parts of the law that aren't enforced are sponsorship and health. Half the time a criminal background check isn't done and is supposed to be.

personally, I think if it was tied to the aid the U.S. sends to other countries, then we might be able to clean up the sending end which is where a ton of the problems begin.

And, like everything else, immigration is kinda like little kids. Everyone wants everything now. Everyone has a sob story. Everyone isn't being treated fairly. And the list goes on. The ability of this country to take care of other people is finite. The number of jobs is finite. The room for homes is finite. WATER is obviously finite but people in other countries think we should simply open the borders and let everyone in . . . NOW.

This country is a mess. We have enough poverty level folks to almost qualify as a third world country ourselves. We need to clean up our own backyard FIRST! And, we need to enforce the laws we already had before we worry about making new ones. Hey, I say we enforce the Immigration Reform Law of 1986. It dings employers who knowingly hire illegals.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are
to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and
servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Theordore
Roosevelt, 1918.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Walton" <waltonrp AT>

Our laws do not work. We as a country like to put laws into place and then
say "if we just enforce the law". An enforced law that does not work is a
waste of time. Look at our history with laws on prostitution and drugs. Our
immigration law is similar. It's based on a look at immigration through rose
colored glasses many years ago. It's not based on today.

The fact that they are able to put $10,000 together, is amazing. Everyone
pitches in, extended family and family here. Mostly family already here (and
mostly legal). Then when they come here, they pay it back.

Imagine if the family here was able to sponsor the immigrant legally.

What I am saying is like prostitution and drugs, make it legal and regulate

We have an immigration policy that worked quite well for years. People got
sponsors and had to have a job waiting. It is NOT realistic to think we
cure the worlds problems. The U.S. has reached a saturation point and it
time to rethink the whole speech on the statue of liberty.


No, it does not work well and it has not. I remember in Tampa in the 1980s,
the Reagan years and there was an amnesty for illegals that had worked
in agriculture for a period of time. The owner of the restaurant I worked at
had at least 20 illegals working there. They were important to his business
and he took good care of them. He paid orange grove owner buddies of his
thousands for false paperwork saying that those people had been working in
the groves.

I assume that this went on all over the country. A bunch of Reagan
conservatives made thousands of dollars on a program that they "despised".

Redoing our immigration law so that we can manage the influx of people along
with securing our borders will make a non-issue of the strain of illegals on
our economy.

Rob - Va
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