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homestead - Re: [Homestead] was british- now Bev's realization

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  • From: bobf <bobford79 AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] was british- now Bev's realization
  • Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 18:12:43 -0800 (PST)

Bev, what You wrote below is descriptive of sudden personal enlightenment.
One day, a person wakes up, looks around, and just laughs at the absurd
society and culture in which he inhabits. He starts thinking "wjy did thaty
19 year old who stole a car get tywo years in Florence, when politicians and
financial Titans steal un g-dly sims , all of the time, and consume every
pleasure so conspicuously that no one can , realitistocally, deny their

Daschelle today, left his appointment because he didn't pay a couple of
hundred grand in taxes. That's play money. The real question is what favors
did he pull to 'earn' ten million dollars over the past couple of years.

The game really is rigged. To teach a child, today, about honesty and good
will; forgiveness and trust is to turn that child into an easy mark.
Those lessons should certainly be taught but with the proviso that they only
apply with family and the familie's immediate circle of friends. Outside
that circle they should be taught the way the world really works.

In a few years when the huge wave of baby boomers start to draw social
security and depend on medicare, the system will fall; but the people who
wrote their own rules, the ones who connived and cheated -- they will be
fine; and their children will prosper, write their own rules and buy their
own politicians.

There are pitiful souls hoping that everything crashes, so that they will
finally, for once in their mediocre life, be right. But that is a fool's
dream. There will be no safety except in might, just as it has always been.
Go visit Atlanta on a Friday night, walk the streets -- you are looking at
the future.

People say "well, I 'll stay here protected by this silly hill, or I'll buy
tons of ammo and beans. These are the thoughts of foolish men

Me; if things become that bad; I'll join up with the roughest group I can
find, cheer right along with the leader as they pillage, and one night cut
his g-dd-mn throat and take his place.

I hope sincerely that barbarous times never come. But, I have owned
warehouses in a part of the city where I always wore a sidearm -- out of
necessity. Barbarity is just beneath the surface, already.

I've seen 'pure' animalistic barbarity; it isn't something taught in civics
courses. I belive, at the rate I'm going , I'll be out of the city, next
spring. Like you wrote 'my eyes were opened'. I will do what I must and
what I choose. If a rule or law inconveniences me, well, I just don't care
anymore; I'll do as I please.

I have been steadily working on my refuge. I figured out how to do it with
absolutely no connection to me and where I will be; and I still have options
as far as the destination. It isn't easy, actually, it's pretty complicated,
and a bit pricey. But, I so long for absolute privacy, and now that I have
developed a way to realize that mission, I'm working at it daily.

My eyes have also been opened to the fact that so many people are so
narrow-nminded that they cannot see through their own prejudices. "lock up
the crimnals, throw away the key" -- that has worked real well , hasn't it?
Our criminal justoce system is itself crimnal.

Our food industry is making us fat and sick, most people don't know what I
didn't know until recently about organic, and open-range; and all of the
antibiotics and all of the toxins and pesticides.

Our politicians are , as a group, com[pletely owned by special interest
groups; they no longer represent us at all.

I'm going to continue to make my own rules, follow my own laws, and when they
are the same as the politicians, that's okay; when they are different, then
so be it, I'm too old and ornery to be a conformist any longer.

I've been buying high quality tools that anyone on a homestead (or maybe to
keep the peanut gallery quiet) I'll call it the 'bobfordstead', and I've been
buying a lot of them. I need to ask Don some questions about power tools and
more specialty tools. Even for the work that I have to pay someone else to
do, having my own tools makes finding help easier.

I'm starting to become excited -- really for the first time-- about leaving.
This is my home; it has taken a long time to bring myself to admit that I no
longer belong here.

Well, Bev, I guess I wrote what internet people call a 'rant'. But, I
really, really liked what you wrote (below). Read it again, you will like
what you wrote, too. Truth is fun, sometimes...........


--- On Tue, 2/3/09, EarthNSky <erthnsky AT> wrote:

> But what if during that time, while you are learning and waiting, you
>begin to see things differently, your eyes are opened to something new
that suits you and feels less fearful, but feels right?

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