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homestead - Re: [Homestead] More on Gold

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Subject: Homestead mailing list

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  • From: "Lynn Wigglesworth" <lynnw1366 AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] More on Gold
  • Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 12:35:12 -0500

******* Bev; I have to pay for that life and lifestyle, just as you did. You were younger and healthier when you made your move. Would you be as quick to move today , in this economic environment, without knowing you could finacially handle evrything up front? Mayber I would if I were alone. I could just build a little lean-to, plant a big garden; and go into town with a few bucks every so often when I needed >companionship. But, that is not my life.

Bob; very few of us could afford to pay for our homestead upfront. Most of us have to deal with mortgages. Some of us had unexpected expenses that set us back. If I had waited until everything was perfect and I could pay cash for this lifestyle, I still wouldn't be here. I also would move here again in a heartbeat.

Lynn Wigglesworth
Tioga Co. PA

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