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baslinux - Re: [BL] Help for a newbie

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  • From: "Greg Mayman" <gmone AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] Help for a newbie
  • Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 13:50:53 +1030

On Mon, 8 Jan 2007 20:20:01 -0600, James Miller wrote:

> Probably not. Did you get that? P-R-O-B-A-B-L-Y N-O-T. Think about it long
> and
> because it was
> created by a programmer who probably considers communication a necessary
> evil.

If it was a NECESSARY evil, the documenation WOULD exist.

Don't tell me about documentation. I spent about 30+ years
modifying, or designing and building electronic hardware and
writing up documentation for the work I did. And I very quickly
found that good documenation usually takes many times longer than
the work that it was done for.

It is my experience that too many people consider documentation
no more than a bloody nuisance; their attitude is be that anyone
who needs to know more about it will work it out for himself, or
will already be a member of the Exclusive Brethren and won't need
to ask.

> If you're serious about using Linux, you'll have get over your fixation on
> documentation.
> Pure and simple. You'll have to learn to decipher what are called "man
> pages"
> which,

(a) which ARE documenation and
(b) which are not included in the download I am using.

> You'll have to
> do creative internet searching to find out what other users facing your
> problems
> may have
> done to resolve them. And you'll have to ask on lists like this for
> instruction
> by people
> more knowledgeable than you.

(Hollow laughter)

> Those are you options if you want to use Linux.
> Take them (and
> it) or leave them (and it). But don't go blaming us for lack of Linux
> documentation. It's
> just as much _our_ problem as it is yours.

I can accept that.

The problem is that the group members are running with the
subject while I am still trying to learn how to walk, and
apparently some of you object to taking the trouble to explain
basics to me, and resent the fact that an ignorant person like me
DARES to post in this list.

If someone will direct me to a suitable discussion group where
the members really DO want to help absolutely basic new users,
then I will trouble the members of this group no more.

Until that time, I have nowhere else to direct my queries.

You don't want to help new users? You want to keep this
discussion group for SERIOUS discussion between people who are
experts in the field?

Then just say so.

Let it be known to all persons thinking of joining this group
that it is "For Advanced Users Only."


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