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baslinux - Re: [BL] MPlayer

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  • From: "David Moberg" <davidjmoberg AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] MPlayer
  • Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 16:37:25 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: "sindi keesan" <keesan AT>

> I have both the PII (first) and PI (second) versions of David
> Moberg's mplayer, as well as mpg123 from Slackware.

I have a new version of MPlayer compiled. I am currently packaging
it. It should be up later today.

> On two PII computers, mpg123 works fine, mplayer for PII will not
> play sounds but it will convert (-ao pcm) to a wav file which you
> can then play with a script, using sox/play.

I thought that the i686 version could play sounds without -ao pcm?
To MPlayer, it is playing sounds, just not to OSS output.

> I now have a computer with Intel PIII 605 MHz cpu, which replaced
> an Asus board (350MHz K6) which would NOT play stereo .wav files in
> linux (but would play them in DOS, or mono wav files in linux).
> Stereo files gave me an error message about IRQ/DRQ config error.
> I have the same hard drive that I was using in the Asus board.

Is the sound card the same one as is in the other PCs? There may be
some problem on the motherboard which is wreaking havoc with the
Linux audio drivers.

> I can now play wav files with sox/play.
> I tried mpg123 on an mp3 file that worked on another computer, also
> on one I found online:
> Playing MPEG stream from vivaldi.mp3 ....
> MEPG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz stereo
> Sound: DMA (output) time out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
> (After a few lines of this I hit Ctrl-C).
> I then tried out both mplayers.
> The first player (for P2) plays .wav files perfectly.
> The second player is not expected to do so.
> I then tried to play an mp3 file with the first player:
> Starting playback...
> A: 0.3 0.0% 0%
> (Nothing else happens). I also tried online and got the same results.
> So I tried the 'mplay' script to play the same MP3 file with the
> second player (which uses mplayer to convert to wav and play that).
> I know that the play part works.

Please check if plain-old -ao pcm works. Do not pipe it through play yet.
Just see if audiodump.wav actually gets created.

If it is created, play may be having trouble with the sampling rate.

If it isn't, you may have a serious CPU/motherboard problem.

> I have not tried playing the library DVD. Hopefully DVD sound is
> .wav not .mp3. I can play .wav with play or mplayer on here, just
> not mp3s.

If it is the CPU, you will likely have major problems with DVD output.

> The 233 Mhz PI continues to play mp3s nicely via mplayer -ao pcm
> and 'play', on or offline.
> The phone line is fixed but had nothing to do with the problem (or
> the fact that my 56K modem connects at 31K ;=( ).
> Any idea how to get around the IRQ/DRQ config error with mpg123?

Can you tell mpg123 to write out to a wave file? Use the "-w
audiodump.wav" option to make it behave like MPlayer -ao pcm.

You may be able to modify your mplay script if this works (and if
play will actually play the resulting .wav file)

> Or why neither version of mplayer will play mp3s but will play wavs?

Perhaps a chipset problem. Or else play only works with certain wav

> I get the same result trying to play an ogg with the PII player.
> Ogg: bad packet in stream 0
> A: 0.7 2.0% 0%
> mplay -- Detected cache-line size is 32 bytes.

Same issue.

> I did not try the 350MHz board with K6, which would not play wav
> file with sox/play, using mpg123 or mplayer for PI.
> I am starting to be surprised when anything works right with sound.

You may want to get a newer kernel with bells and whistles. ALSA is
superior to OSS for sound. For those with minimal sound needs, OSS
works just fine. If you want an easy installation or more features,
ALSA is better.


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