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baslinux - Re: [BL] Using Mutt e-mail client

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  • From: sindi keesan <keesan AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] Using Mutt e-mail client
  • Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 15:39:22 +0000 (UTC)

sindi keesan wrote:

telnet address_of_matanza_computer 7993

I can just telnet to like I do with send?

If matanza is running on then you do this:
telnet 7993
That will connect you immediately to matanza (you don't
get the usual telnet login).

What is 7993, a process number?

Could I also just telnet from one computer to run a
program on the other computer?

For that you need a proper telnet server for the telnet
clients to connect to. Matanza is not a proper telnet
server -- all it does is serve the game to any telnet
clients that connect.

How about telnetting via DOS without first dialing?

If you get TCP/IP networking running in DOS and have a
DOS telnet client, you will be able to play matanza from

I have Kermit for DOS (MS-Kermit) which I have used before to connect to a linux computer running Kermit in order to do Kermit (serial) file transfer.

I did not need networking on either computer (did I?). Can I use DOS kermit telnet to telnet to a linux computer without networking, via a serial cable? Just curious. Or what would I need to put on the linux computer to make this possible? (I can ask Kermit for help with the Kermit end). I have not set up any networks, just ethernet send/receive.
I don't have DOS set up to use an ethernet card. No need, considering the speeds involved. (Modem on the linux computer).

This would just save the need to reboot in linux, then again in DOS, on the first computer. Right now I just send files via DOS kermit or a DOS mail program after typing them in DOS WP51. That works. Mutt is easier to us (less typing required). Is there a Mutt for DOS?

I can also just use a floppy disk for transfer.

It would be interesting to do wordprocessing on a DOS
computer and then telnet to a linux computer

Many years ago, I played around with DOS TCP/IP networking
and it is possible (with much trial and error) to connect
to Linux servers using DOS clients. However, it is not

For me probably closer to impossible as I don't know how to network in DOS.

I presume I would need a second person to play these
games with, or are they all single-user?

Only matanza is multi-player (although you can enter the
game by yourself and blast asteroids). The other add-on
games are for one person. So are the two games that come
with BL3.

I don't usually blast anything but mosquitoes and moths but I will give it a try soon. We have to finish processing 24 gallons of grapes into frozen juice first and this does not mix well with computers.

Do you want beginner's comments on what instructions might be helpful to someone not used to game playing? Or just any bug reports?


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