Subject: permaculture
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- From: Thilo Pfennig <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
- Date: 28 Jul 1999 02:32:48 +0200 writes:
> I see this problem over and over again in the "permaculture'
> movement. People do a great deal of work to create a resource and put it
> out. It gets ripped off or they decide they can't afford to offer it
> without
> more compensation. So they chane how it is available. Instead of being
> grateful that it was EVER available, people get pissed off because the free
> lunch is over.
It is a little difference if you hust put out a catalog of ressources
or addresses, which you get form the whole world - and the only thing
you do is make the layout and sort alphabetically - or if you really
invent something new - and you feel you want to get something for it.
> If IPJ has created a resource, it is their and only
> their responsibility to decide how it should be available and under what
> terms.
The right is on their side if we talk about the thing, the layout and
the concept. On the other hand you can buy many different catalogs or
phonebooks or addressbooks about thousands of subjects. What you are
talking about is a monopole, not the freedom of information or the
right to earn money from your own ideas.
I also see the idea of you, that it should be the task of
permaculturist to help other permaculturists to get money out of
pc-stuff. I don´t think so. I know this kind of attitude from some of
the more political-left part of society who "feed" their media, even
if they don´t like them.
If the IPJ wants to get money out of theier catalog, they must do it
on their own and hope, people will agree with their concept. I do not
see the space for a philosophic discussion about that topic. And
honestly, I do not see your point. What is it you really want?
> I'd
> RATHER have a print directory that I pay a fair price for than a web site.
> It is a pain in the ass to use web sites and either I have to turn on my
> computer and wait until it fires up or else interrupt what I am doing on
> the
> computer.
This is your personal decision. But that doesn´t help others to
decide, or what should I do with your preferences? I do prefer
online-databases, so what? Should I tell people that they must not
work woth printed copies?
> Rather than make enemies of them, why not find out
> what they want todo?
Why is that important? I understand it may be helpful to organize
(especially with neighbours) and to exchange data. But I do dont
understand, why others should wait or listen to IPJ, what they
WANT. Everybody wants something different.
I also made my experience in Germany with what people think,
permaculture should be, or how institutes should control the flow of
information - or how all should be done. I have come to the
conclusion, that I do have more a problem with organizations who want
to present permaculture, as with people who just want to contribute
Thilo Pfennig
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Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
, (continued)
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/27/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., EFMonaco, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., EFMonaco, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Kibbe, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Kibbe, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Permacltur, 07/29/1999
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