Subject: permaculture
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- From: EFMonaco <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
- Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 15:01:03 -0400
Maybe the answer is to have those that want to be listed in the 'Directory'
pay a fee for being listed, much the same way as the Yellow Pages work in
the USA.
Gene Monaco
>If the IPJ wants to get money out of theier catalog, they must do it
on their own and hope, people will agree with their concept. I do not
see the space for a philosophic discussion about that topic. And
honestly, I do not see your point. What is it you really want?<
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Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
, (continued)
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., EFMonaco, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., EFMonaco, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Kibbe, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Kibbe, 07/28/1999
Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...,
Permacltur, 07/29/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/30/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/30/1999
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- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Sal, 07/30/1999
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- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Sal, 07/30/1999
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Message not available
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/30/1999
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- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/30/1999
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