Subject: permaculture
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- From: John Schinnerer <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
- Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 12:10:37 -0700
On further observation, there's also a lack of systemic efficiency and
function stacking here. Ideally the laborious input work of collecting,
maintaining and frequently updating a useful global permaculture directory
database (if there is such a thing, and if it's appropriate) would serve
multiple and sometimes overlapping output functions (print, online, carrier
pigeon (also a food and fertilizer source), etc.). If we end up with
several different groups and individuals semi-duplicating each other's
efforts, maybe we need to call in an outside consultant to help with this
issue (a permaculture designer or something like that... ;-). Or we could
find ways to cooperation a permaculture ethic?
John Schinnerer
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Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...
, (continued)
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., EFMonaco, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., EFMonaco, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., John Schinnerer, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Kibbe, 07/28/1999
- RE: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Kibbe, 07/28/1999
Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line...,
Permacltur, 07/29/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/30/1999
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Thilo Pfennig, 07/30/1999
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- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Sal, 07/30/1999
Message not available
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Sal, 07/30/1999
Message not available
Message not available
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/30/1999
Message not available
Message not available
Message not available
- Re: Let's continue a global directory on-line..., Marsha Hanzi, 07/30/1999
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