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Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video
- From: Leslie <cayadopi AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video
- Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 20:36:12 -0700 (PDT)
Maybe it does matter.
Bush2 was "their man" to a certain degree, yet he could not "sell" the
American people because of his inept way of communicating.
The ones to really beware of are the ones who have that charismatic
"salesmanship" ability. Clinton had it, so does Obama. I'm always cautious
around the charismatic smooth talkers. People tend not to listen to what
they are actually saying, and just hear the charming way they say it.
More conspiracy theories for the day............ mass graves being built in
Arizona (Phoenix), GA, and Chicago. Photos of the Phoenix site are on the
More rumors on an "event" in Septmeber.............. allegedly a police
applicant waiting on a bench in a hall overheard a FEMA meeting going on with
local police - basically city police to come under Federal authority, banks
closing, vouchers for food, etc to be issued. Checkpoints in cities and
major roadways. Rural areas won't be monitored as much.
(Note: on my travels last week....... a NEW CHECKPOINT has been constructed
on I-25 north of Hatch NM, S. of Truth or Consequences. They already have at
least one on the E-W I-10 corridor towards Las Cruces. Normally on the I-10,
they just have you drive slowly by. They appear to have a lot of "sniffing"
equipment (drugs), as well and about 20 or so cameras in both directions
Eastbound and Westbound snapping faces and tag numbers. I've never been
stopped at that location. However, a new change on the northbound, they were
stopping every vehicle and looking at faces and asking if everyone was
citizens - the guy was one half breath away from saying "papers
please"......... and I deflected him. I have to travel to El Paso in a few
days, and will be seeing if there are any changes on the I-10 checkpoint.
There are other checkpoints on county road s. of here, but that isn't new.)
Tracked down a YouTube on the current Bilderberg agenda.......
2009-2010 Bilderberg predictions (I think this interview was about 2 months
ago, because he mentioned the Stress Test, which as about 2 months ago)
Are swine flu fears to be used to be exploited, to implement world health
1. Future of USD. Plan is thru the group players and wall street to
continue to deceive investors and saves who believe the HYPE in the upturn of
the economy. They are about to be set up for massive losses and and searing
financial pain in the months ahead.
1. Back stress test now being conducted by Washington is little more
than a shameless hoax based on the assumptions that the economy won’t get as
bad as it already is.
1. Assumptions on US unemployment. Solutions and Assumptions.
Bilderberg is assuming that the unemployment figures will hover around 14% by
the end of this year, which is much higher than the present numbers currently
released in the 8-9% range.
1. Depression or Prolonged Stagnation? (booklet) 2 options a
prolonged depression that dooms the world for decades, poverty, or a shorter
depression that resolves quickly into sustained economic world order but with
less national sovereignty (world govt’) but more efficiency. Not directly,
but indirectly there will be a final push for the enactment of the Lisbon
(phonetic or Elizaben) Treaty, which is the official European Constitution
depends on the Irish. They have voted no several times. The Irish vote yes,
then we will Europe will have that Constitution which will take precedence
over national constitutions.
1. One of the Bilderbergs concerns is the drafting of the
ANTI-Elizaben Treaty called the Libertas authored/led by J. Jambley
(phonetic, Irish guy responsible for getting the Irish to vote no the last
time). One of the Bilderbergs plans is to use a whispering campaign in the
US media suggesting that Jambley is being funded by arms dealers in the US
thru the US military and the US militia movement.
1. Some people think we are in a recession, they are complete idiots.
We are in a general global breakdown crisis of the entire planet. As long
as the present structure in the US, EU, and elsewhere continues, the world
will go more and more into a breakdown crisis, and within a generation or two
MAX, they want a reduction of 2/3 of the population, that is a reduction from
6.7 billion to 2 billion a short time from now. Yes, there are factions
within Bilderberg. Nuclear faction knows that if they put nuclear energy to
good use that the population would actually jump to 10 billion.
1. A lot of members of the Bilderberg are looking at alternatives to
the oil driven economy. As far as the breakdown crisis is concerned, there
are a lot of unknowns. It is these unknowns that actually frighten some of
the more saavy Bilderbergs in the Inner Circle. They are wondering just
exactly how far they have gone to not only destroy the world but possibly
even themselves.
These are some of the things they will be discussing this year.
1. Europe economy is dead. We are not living in a depression. We
are living in a collapse of civilization as we know it.
1. We will find out soon how much or little control they actually
1. Regarding the no vote in Ireland…. In the countries that can
actually vote, the people have voted it down. So they are taking the voting
power out of the people’s hand and putting it in the legislatures to get
around the people. Ex-soviet states voted for it because they would rather
be part of a crumbling Europe than a crumbling Russia. In Germany it was the
Bundesbanc that voted for it.
1. How to rise up against the Bilderberg. A. One way. Looking
back 12-13 years ago in one of their reports what they meant by demand
destruction. Asked a source (someone from world bank) what did they mean by
demand destruction. Not war, much easier. You destroy demand by destroying
the world economy on purpose, which is what we are seeing right now.
Understand that the housing crisis etc, didn’t happen on a whim. The
Rockefeller and Co. did not lend money at zero interest, zero down to people
who had no way of paying it back without having a reason for it unless the
physics of economics reverse and suddenly the taxi drivers know more than the
Rockefellers do. The source said: If you want to do good, understand how
money works and thru using money the right way we can wipe them out. If you
want to destroy them, everyone has to withdraw all cash from the banks, we
would destroy their world financial system. Of course, you can’t convince
everyone to do that.
(Note: The term Demand Destruction started to appear on the internet boards
about 2-3 months before the 2007 stock market top, which has nothing to do
with Homesteading of course, BUT, back then I interpreted it as a signal, a
code word of some kind, to get a message out to unknowns. No money, no
demand, no demand, markets collapse. The timing was quite interesting.)
I also tracked down interviews of that guy from 2005, and yep it was all
there about collapsing the house, taking oil to 150 and then collapsing that.
etc. I KNEW the Fed did the collapse part in my gut on purpose. Run it up,
take profits from public suckers, bankers get short, Fed uses a chunk of
taxpayer money to start the tumble, and then BAM milk the sheeples again.
On another note, I found it interesting that multi-billionaire Bloomberg has
filed suit to get access to Fed documents, where did the money go..... maybe
he isn't part of the club...
SOOOOOOOOO, from the homesteaders and quasi-homesteaders perspective
--------- somewhere in the past 2 days, I came across in a national emergency
or whatever, that they will try to limit food production on small farms.
Time to hunt down what our wonderful honest leaders have in store for us, and
if there is anything to do to prepare for that.
From: Lynn Wigglesworth lynnw1366 AT
Yep. Doesn't seem to matter who's president. That was the point of the video
Leslie posted the other money concerns are running
everything, including both parties. I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but
I suspect there is a lot of truth in that one, but I'd also include 'big
ag', 'big pharmacuticals', 'Monsanto', etc. in the ruling class.
>From cayadopi AT Sat Aug 29 23:52:08 2009
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It is a cruel hoax.
The car mfgrs' increased their expectations for sales going forward and to
ramp up production ,,,,, but based on only more theft from taxpayers?��
Meanwhile, CFC ends.
Car sales though generated lots of sales tax revenue for the states, right?
And now add insult to injury with taxes on per mile driven, tax on farts, etc.
�So while it is ridiculous for us to have dumped $3B on car sales, most of
which were foreign made and foreign owned, it isn't surprizing that we think
somehow we have stimulated our own endeavors.
On same said trip we passed by ONE car dealership out of more than twenty
in the town.� I'd estimate there were 300 cars here marked CFC and headed for
the crusher.� The report is that 700,000 cars were sold under this program.
The market is saturated.� I'm guessing you won't be able to give away a
new car for the next year and a half.
From: "Clansgian AT" <Clansgian AT>
>From cayadopi AT Sat Aug 29 23:55:09 2009
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Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 20:54:56 -0700 (PDT)
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Subject: Re: [Homestead] Skinning chilis
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Which chilis are you rehydrating to make that sauce.
i've asked some of the locals, but they don't seem to differentiate.
Anchos, Poblanos, what?� Which seed packet would I order?
From: Sage Austin | Eureka! Design <eureka AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 10:43:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Skinning chilis
Bev, I hate to admit but dried chilies are so plentiful in my part of
the world I just buy the chipotles and anchos at the store, and grow the
ones I eat fresh! I would be interested in knowing how James smokes his,
To make sauce I rehydrate dried chilies in a bowl by pouring boiling
water over them. After they are soft, I throw the chilies and the water
into the blender, and then have a paste-like sauce that can be use in or
on anything. You can also add a little to mayonnaise to spice up
whatever you make with that. When cooking pinto beans I just throw a
couple of dried anchos in whole and they break down while cooking. I
also add a little natural liquid smoke for the flavor you guys get by
adding pork. It's my version of ranch style beans!
A popular Texas use of hatch green chilies is to serve them hot with
melted cheese over french fries! I try to stay away from fried foods,
but I can't resist this! I also use them in a lot of egg dishes.
In New Mexico, the enchiladas are flat! Instead of two rolled ones, you
put your cheese and onions and sauce in between two flat tortillas,
cover with more sauce and cheese and bake. The sauce is the red one I
already mentioned. For me it's a great use of the two round layer cake
forms I never otherwise use!
There are so many salsa recipes out there, it's just a matter of finding
the right one for you. I like cilantro in mine, and a lot of people
don't like cilantro. I like cumin in much smaller quantity than called
for and usually half or quarter the amount or leave it out altogether.
EarthNSky wrote:
> Sage Austin | Eureka! Design wrote:
>> Yum! I prefer jalapenos smoked to fresh, and buy them dry as chipotles
>>� �
> I know James smokes his...
> How do you smoke yours, Sage?
>> to add to sauces. I also make sauces from dried chili anchos, which are
>> poblanos when fresh.
>>� �
> Recipes?
>� I stuff jalapenos with cream cheese, batter them
>> with egg and flour, brown them in oil.
>>� �
> Nom nom.
>> We do cook with the locally native chilipequin which is hot but
>> flavorful--could this be the small pepper you saw? We live in the part
>> of Texas where Mexican Food is "TexMex" but I prefer the cooking of New
>> Mexico. In TexMex jalapenos or serranos are chopped fresh with tomatoes
>> for salsa, and gives you what I call "instant burn". A TexMex green
>> sauce is made mostly with tomatillos.
>>� �
> I've been looking for a different salsa, not too sweet, with a serrano
> kick, something less vinegar and more salt.
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>From cayadopi AT Sun Aug 30 00:00:05 2009
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"never again doing work that I don't believe in"..... AMEN
"to me, being a materialist 'wage slave' is the hard life."� ..... DOUBLE
I agree that if you aren't born a Kennedy, the best way to succeed is
"independent of the system". But we are brainwashed from a young age to
think that 'success' means a big house, fancy car, 80 hour a week job, and
lots of 'stuff'. My definition of 'success' is much different (and much more, doing things I enjoy, not having to punch a timeclock
or answer to anyone, and ; it
looks like poverty and a hard life to many people, but to me, being a
materialist 'wage slave' is the hard life. Following that 'different
drummer' can be lonely, as I'm sure you and many on this list have found,
From: Lynn Wigglesworth lynnw1366 AT
>From cayadopi AT Sun Aug 30 00:02:30 2009
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Subject: Re: [Homestead] And ye shall be HEALED! the magic of elderberries
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ROFL !!!
After reading about elderberry, doesn't look like something that can be grown
here.� I suppose it is something that can be ordered online?
From: "rayzentz AT" <rayzentz AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 1:35:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] And ye shall be HEALED! the magic of elderberries
Nah.... The Brandy just killed the bugs. Shoulda had more, would've got
better faster...?? ;-)
Seriously, I'm glad to hear you are doing better.
-----Original Message-----
From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
To: Homestead List <homestead AT>
Sent: Fri, Aug 28, 2009 12:19 am
Subject: [Homestead] And ye shall be HEALED! the magic of elderberries
Note: this post will also appear on my blog,
I am back from the brink of Viral Hell and I refuse to worship the
Porcelain God ever again.� :)� I am healed.
Last Saturday at lunch, quite suddenly, just after I blogged/bragged
about my mullein oil cure in fact, I got a headache and felt nauseous.
I went outside to try to throw up, but could not. Thinking that I just
needed to eat lunch, I went and got some soup from the pantry, and as I
reentered the kitchen with the soup, I passed out cold in the floor.
Apparently it was the sudden onset of a gastrointestinal virus and I
passed out from a fever spike. It's never happened to me before that I
can recall, but I have no idea of why I passed out.� I did not even see
it coming; it was as if someone clobbered me with a wrench: Lights out.
� Some time went by, I climbed into bed and just laid there.� Late that
afternoon when Skyguy came home, he took my temperature and it was 103,
which is super high for me since my normal is 96.7(thyroid issues).� I
was really sick for a while.� The GI distress started on Sunday morning
with diarrhea, but by this time, my temperature had dropped to 99 and
hovered between 99 and 100 all week until last night, when it rose to
101.� Yesterday morning I decided to called the doctor to make an
appointment.� They told me that this GI flu is going around and they
have one patient who has been fighting it for 16 days. The nurse I spoke
with shared that she personally had this wicked virus for 7 days, but
did not feel 'well' for two additional weeks.� They just told me to stay
hydrated-no visit needed. So there I was on Day 5 of a beastly illness
with no end in sight.� The headaches, fever, and body aches were
relentless, as is typical with the flu.� I lost 15 pounds and because of
the infection I could not take my RA meds for the second week in a row.
It was frustrating because I have so much to do, including two doctors
appointments and a formal job offer luncheon to attend.� The thought of
possibly being sick next week was not only depressing, but I knew that
would mean missing a third week of my RA meds, and that is a serious
thing. Desperate times call for desperate actions.
What kind of medicine woman would I be if I didn't take my own meds,
right?� To be honest, I was so sick Saturday through Tuesday that I did
not even think about anything, let alone meds.� After all, I've been
brainwashed that the only drugs for flu are Tamiflu and a perhaps a few
others that should be taken in the first 48 hours of illness.� So it
wasn't until my best friend Ava, in a phone call, reminded me that I had
just made an elixir for this very illness and I should take it.� Recall
my blog post from last week where Ava and I canned all day and made and
Elderberry Elixir. So Wednesday morning, with a fever of 99.8, after I
hung up from the doctor, I found an eyedropper and dipped into the
elixir.� It took some serious guts as you must remember that this
Elixir is brandy based, and brandy is not exactly what one thinks of
five days into a gastrointestinal virus at ten in the morning on an
empty stomach.� It was akin to the old 'hair of the dog' cure, but I
held it down.� Two hours later, my fever rose to 100.3, and I took
another dose.� I took about half a teaspoon of this Elixir every two
hours or so, and throughout the afternoon and evening my temperature
crept up, but I actually felt better.� I did not feel like I had a fever
of 101, I felt almost normal last night.� It was very, very odd. This
morning was Day 6 of the virus and my temp was 97 degrees when I woke
up.� I got up, poured a cup of Joe, and kissed that pint jar of Elixir
next to the coffee pot.� I am cured.� All day long I've had no fever and
no GI symptoms.� My temperature has been hovering between 97 and 98,
which is still above normal for me, so I have continued the elixir
regime, but I feel great.
The short story is that I, the sickly one, the one with a weakened
immune system, the one who usually keeps a 24 hour bug for a week,
kicked ass on a wickedly evil 7-16 day GI virus.� How did that happen?
It happened because of elderberries and the magic of everyday, easily
accessible medicines, knowledge bases that are almost lost, but that
thankfully, a few souls like Kiva are preserving.� I feel such a kinship
with this woman; I should hope to have her knowledge if only in my
dreams.� She is my new hero.� I wrote to thank her as I like giving
credit where credit is due.
Sleep well tonight, for somewhere in the ocean's depths, MY son is
protecting your freedom on the USS Key West, currently deployed
somewhere in the Pacific and/or Indian Ocean.� Go Navy!
EarthNSky Farm, NW Georgia, USA
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Geez, hot peppers don't make me feel cooler, my head sweats and I have to put
an ice cube in my mouth....
I haven't had too much of the NM dishes,,, the ones I have had I haven't been
too impressed with.� But that is
only 3 times somewhat local.� I've just been looking up recipes and cooking
up at home,,,, but I do wish I
knew a native Mexican�to watch cook a few things, that always seems to be the
best way to learn.
Chilipequin?� About 1/2" long, very tiny?
Ah,,,,,,,, ok, I have a ton of jalpenos, smoke them over the BBQ grill???�
Similar to the description the other
day?� OK, will give it a try and see what happens.
Hmmmm, dried jalapenos.......... ok, what's the "how to do" on that?� pick
green, or let them dry on the bush?
Yum! I prefer jalapenos smoked to fresh, and buy them dry as chipotles
to add to sauces. I also make sauces from dried chili anchos, which are
poblanos when fresh. I stuff jalapenos with cream cheese, batter them
with egg and flour, brown them in oil.
We do cook with the locally native chilipequin which is hot but
flavorful--could this be the small pepper you saw? We live in the part
of Texas where Mexican Food is "TexMex" but I prefer the cooking of New
Mexico. In TexMex jalapenos or serranos are chopped fresh with tomatoes
for salsa, and gives you what I call "instant burn". A TexMex green
sauce is made mostly with tomatillos.
In NM they do not put tomatoes into the sauce, it's all chili molino.
This is the same dried red chilies you see in decorative ristras. I make
this sauce by browning some of the powdered red chili with flour, then
slowly adding water. It's great on enchiladas, eggs, whatever. It gives
you what I call "slow burn". A NM green sauce is made with hatch chilies.
Isn't it interesting that the hottest peppers all come from hot
climates? Maybe to make us sweat so that we feel cooler in a breeze?
Leslie wrote:
> Ha !� I just came thru Hatch earlier this week.� Had a very late lunch
> there and scoped out the roadside stands selling and grilling chilis.
> One of the chilis that was for sale was smaller than an acorn, and the lady
> advised me do not buy it unless I like really really hot.�
> They do roast them in a drum size metal basket that they turn over a fire.
> I don't know enough about various Mexican dishes to know which ones to
> buy.� I do have Jalapenos coming out of my ears as I made a mistake and
> planted 5 plants ----- which are still producing.... and I have canned
> enough for 10 years at this point.� I just picked another 20 and am looking
> for neighbors who want some, no takers so far.......
> I've been amazed at how long they stay fresh in the fridge though, and have
> been using some of them with a breakfast 'taters, green/red/yellow peppers,
> onions, garlic mix.
> I've heard that hot peppers are good for keeping intestinal worms at
> bay........
> --- On Thu, 8/27/09, Sage Austin | Eureka! Design <eureka AT> wrote:
> From: Sage Austin | Eureka! Design <eureka AT>
> Subject: Re: [Homestead] Skinning chilis
> To: homestead AT
> Date: Thursday, August 27, 2009, 11:48 PM
> Hatch chilies are the quintessential green chilies used in New Mexican
> cooking. They look to be a type of Anaheim pepper, and come in mild,
> moderate, and hot. Everyone calls them hatch after Hatch, NM where they
> are largely grown. But it's kind of like Coke and Kleenex, we use it
> generically even if they came from somewhere else. There's even a canned
> hatch version we buy at the store when the fresh ones aren't available.
> We buy them fresh, peel and freeze them in bags for future use. The ones
> I've grown from seed are 'Espanola Improved' and 'Big Jim Numex'.
> Yes, a rotisserie basket is what I'm talking about! Leave it to a
> vegetarian to forget what those things are called. LOL. The ones in the
> stores and restaurants here are huge though, big enough for a whole pig
> so to speak. When the chilies come in, they roast zillions of them for
> the demand. When I'm busy, I just buy them that way, but you still have
> to take the skins off. I use them in enchilada verde sauce and in egg
> dishes mostly, but sometimes stuff them like a poblano.
> :)
> --Sage
> EarthNSky wrote:
>> I have no clue as to what a hatch chili might be, but I do think I have
>> a rotisserie basket somewhere...(as well as one of those silly
>> composting units<g>)� Luv ya Sage. :)
>> Sage Austin | Eureka! Design wrote:
>>� �
>>� �
>>> I let them cool completely, as some of the final roasting happens in
>>> the bag. If they are small the cooking sheet will help. Texas gets a
>>> lot of hatch chilies from New Mexico this time of year and some of
>>> the grocery stores roast them for you over a flame in this basket
>>> they can crank around like those silly composting units. So you
>>> probably could do them over an outdoor grill as well.
>>> --Sage
>>>� � �
>>>� � �
>>� �
>>� �
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From: Sage Austin | Eureka! Design <eureka AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:13:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Skinning chilis
>From lurine AT Sun Aug 30 00:12:42 2009
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Subject: Re: [Homestead] cash for clunkers anyone?
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I loved those stickers that came out in the 80s or 90s about reuse, recycle,
reduce. I would have taken the "clunkers" and then made them available to
folks who have *real* clunkers! You know the cars I mean. You can see them
coming for a miles as they belch black smoke or leak oil all over the place,
But Noooooooooooo, don't do anything to help the little guy.
Just one more welfare program for the rich!
The press corp is fact-adverse but very fable friendly.
----- Original Message -----
From: "EarthNSky" <erthnsky AT>
> To me, in addition to what you wrote, it seems like such a waste to see
> perfectly good transportation going to waste. I understand getting rid
> of 'guzzlers', but the cars I've seen certainly were not what I would
> call clunkers and I know my own vehicles would have qualified for the
> program. The intention was to stimulate buying, and it did that, but
> low income folks and middle class folks on unemployment surely could not
> have gotten new transportation. Who needs a new car payment when you've
> lost income as it is? Seems to me that at least some of these vehicles
> could be used for government work/agencies or charitable groups like
> Meals on Wheels. I know quite a few people just neighbors on my road
> that could use any form of transportation.
[Homestead] Video,
Leslie, 08/26/2009
Re: [Homestead] Video,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 08/27/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
EarthNSky, 08/27/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 08/29/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
EarthNSky, 08/29/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 08/29/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video, EarthNSky, 08/29/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video, Leslie, 08/29/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video, Leslie, 08/30/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 08/29/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
EarthNSky, 08/29/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 08/29/2009
Re: [Homestead] Democrats, past, present and future-was Video,
EarthNSky, 08/27/2009
Re: [Homestead] Video,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 08/27/2009
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