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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?

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  • From: "Lynda" <lurine AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 13:19:59 -0800

To get an Indonesian passport when you have reached the age of majority, you
have to citizenship status. To have citizenship status, you cannot have
citizenship in any other country. If you do, you must renounce said
citizenship. Simple as that.

One way of another, he doesn't have U.S. citizenship. And his citizenship
in Kenya would have to have been renounced also.

And, knowing politics as I do, am I surprised? NOT! They found a shiney thing to hang their star on and damn the rules and law and Constitution.

Ya know, this is kinda like a rebound marriage. <g> I did NOT like Bush. I didn't like him LONG before he was elected. He was trained and a semi-puppet who was occasionally out of control. The whole Iran war thing is a crock and a money maker for Cheney.

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I'm going to immediately jump on the Shiney Thing bandwagon and rush in the opposite direction and not do my homework! We are now in worse shape than we were with ol' Dumbya in office. Rove and Cheney were consumate evil (neocons to the core) but I don't think Dumbya was busy making plans that drove the country onto the brink of disaster. I think he was simply a not overly bright bumbler.

I think Teflon was not only trained but I think his handlers, and YES, he does have handlers, are hell bent on destroying what's left of this country. Some folks don't see it that way and are still busy playing Dem/Repub games. Busy swooning over the "first black president" and running around saying "aren't we proud" and "it is about time." ROT! Who the heck gives a flying **** what color he is? And someone please tell me where it says there is a particular time to start judging the worth of a nation and its people by whether or not a they elect a black president.

Baaaaa, Baaaaa, Baaaaaa. The dumb sheople win, we, the thinking people, lose as do our children who will pay the price and pay, and pay, and pay!

And because of actually doing our homework we'll be called bashers, blah, blah, blah. <g>

I have jumped into my shiney purple flame proof suit, let the slings and arrows begin <<eg>>

Lynda, who will step off her soapbox now <<bg>>
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." Aldous Huxley

----- Original Message ----- From: <DSanner106 AT>

I agree, tis a problem. His mother did renounce her citizenship and never
regained it. The other big sticking point is his traveling on an
passport through 20 years of age. He had to declare his citizenship as
Indonesian to acquire this, and would have had to have a ceremony and
in to regain US citizenship after that, he never did, so technically is
an illegal alien.

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