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- From: Leslie <cayadopi AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?
- Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 15:49:26 -0700 (PDT)
Got a spare suit? Neon colored if possible...
I didn't like Bush either and wrote him a scathing letter before the first
election at some dumbya statement he made.
Take one guess who the handlers are.....
--- On Tue, 7/21/09, Lynda <lurine AT> wrote:
To get an Indonesian passport when you have reached the age of majority, you
have to citizenship status. To have citizenship status, you cannot have
citizenship in any other country. If you do, you must renounce said
citizenship. Simple as that.
One way of another, he doesn't have U.S. citizenship. And his citizenship
in Kenya would have to have been renounced also.
And, knowing politics as I do, am I surprised? NOT! They found a shiney
thing to hang their star on and damn the rules and law and Constitution.
Ya know, this is kinda like a rebound marriage. <g> I did NOT like Bush. I
didn't like him LONG before he was elected. He was trained and a
semi-puppet who was occasionally out of control. The whole Iran war thing
is a crock and a money maker for Cheney.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I'm going to immediately jump on the Shiney Thing
bandwagon and rush in the opposite direction and not do my homework! We are
now in worse shape than we were with ol' Dumbya in office. Rove and Cheney
were consumate evil (neocons to the core) but I don't think Dumbya was busy
making plans that drove the country onto the brink of disaster. I think he
was simply a not overly bright bumbler.
I think Teflon was not only trained but I think his handlers, and YES, he
does have handlers, are hell bent on destroying what's left of this country.
Some folks don't see it that way and are still busy playing Dem/Repub games.
Busy swooning over the "first black president" and running around saying
"aren't we proud" and "it is about time." ROT! Who the heck gives a flying
**** what color he is? And someone please tell me where it says there is a
particular time to start judging the worth of a nation and its people by
whether or not a they elect a black president.
Baaaaa, Baaaaa, Baaaaaa. The dumb sheople win, we, the thinking people,
lose as do our children who will pay the price and pay, and pay, and pay!
And because of actually doing our homework we'll be called bashers, blah,
blah, blah. <g>
I have jumped into my shiney purple flame proof suit, let the slings and
arrows begin <<eg>>
Lynda, who will step off her soapbox now <<bg>>
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." Aldous Huxley
----- Original Message -----
From: <DSanner106 AT>
>I agree, tis a problem. His mother did renounce her citizenship and never
> regained it. The other big sticking point is his traveling on an
> indonesian
> passport through 20 years of age. He had to declare his citizenship as
> Indonesian to acquire this, and would have had to have a ceremony and
> swearing
> in to regain US citizenship after that, he never did, so technically is
> now
> an illegal alien.
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>From cayadopi AT Tue Jul 21 18:54:17 2009
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Subject: Re: [Homestead] Zucchini and Cucumber Recipes
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Thanks for the recipe links.
What observations did you come back with about economic conditions in Peru.
One of my friends lives/works there, but after the company was bought up by
the Chinese late last year (a natural resource type company), he went
incommunicado........ It's all very odd for him. I used to like hearing his
quick observations on the economy down there as it would balance our
"filtered" media here.
--- On Tue, 7/21/09, Jerry W. Shepperd <shepperd AT> wrote:
From: Jerry W. Shepperd <shepperd AT>
Subject: [Homestead] Zucchini and Cucumber Recipes
To: homestead AT
Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2009, 5:30 PM
Returned last night from a working trip to Peru. While there,
watched adobe bricks being made, one of my passions -- similar
process to everywhere else I have seen them made. Also, visited some
small and large farms. They grow many more varieties of corn,
squash, and potatoes than we see in the U.S.
I also sampled Pisco, the national drink of Peru, and chicha, a mild
fermented drink made from potatoes, and ate a lot of wonderful
Peruvian food, but not qui, or guinea pig. I ate qui last year while
there, so can say I did it, but chose not to this trip. While it is
not much different from eating rabbit, it is too much like eating one
of the childrens' pets.
I have been going through emails today and read the discussions by
some of you on squash. Had this email from Martha Stewart which
includes zucchini and cucumber recipes, which you may find
useful. Some of the zucchini recipes may be adapted for other kinds
of squash, but I'm not sure. Eating them is my talent, not cooking them.
Zucchini Recipes
Cucumber Recipes
"An excuse is more horrible and worse than a lie..."
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"If you believe that the answer to your happiness or unhappiness lies
in someone else's hands, you are in for a load of trouble. You are
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>From erthnsky AT Tue Jul 21 18:58:58 2009
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Obama traveled to Pakistan in 1981 when he was 20 years old and in
college. He 'slipped' and disclosed this information during his
campaign-before that, no one knew about his travels in the Muslim
world-odd for a Senator who served on the Senate's foreign relations
committee during a time when we were involved in two wars in that part
of the world-one of which Pakistan plays a crucial role in. It had not
been listed in his books or his political bio-he just blurted it out
when he was talking about foreign policy experience. The question
is, and it is a question that Obama has still not answered, is how was
he able to travel to Pakistan? I have a friend who married a Pakistani
woman at about that time-early 80's. He could not even travel there to
meet her family, even as her husband. Visas were hard to come by if you
weren't a celebrity, a Moslem, or a member of the press or government
official. Most people claim that the US forbade travel to Pakistan, I
don't know about that-I don't think that is true, but I am saying that I
don't think Pakistan would have allowed him in as an American student.
Anyway, the conjecture began as to how Obama could have done this and
why it was not known before.
The Obama people/administration want you to believe that he used his US
passport for those travels. It would be a simple matter to make his
passport pages public and that would nip the whole thing in the bud.
However, his passport seems to be a closely guarded secret. Remember
the hoopla about 3 contract workers accessing his passport back in March
of 2008? You never did hear anything about that, what they were looking
for, or why, other than curiosity, they would have accessed his
documents. I say that when information is accessed three times that it
is more than just curiosity. Who knew what, when, and why is it still
under wraps? Why no outrage of privacy violation or threats of
prosecution by the 'victim' in this case, President Obama? Why don't the
workers who breeched security say "I saw the passport and he traveled to
Pakistan and India and Indonesia on his US passport, or conversely, I
saw the passport and there were no travels to Pakistan..etc. Why the
secrecy? Where are these people? When was Obama's US Passport assigned?
Assuming that he did not have a US passport in 1981, the logical answer
is that he used an Indonesian passport and citizenship for his travels
as he had previously done while traveling as a teen/pre-teen. Indonesia
is the most populous Muslim country in the world, and there would be no
suspicion about an Indonesian visiting Pakistan. The military
government would have quickly granted a Visa to an Indonesian. Most
people believe that per Indonesian law, Obama became an Indonesian
citizen when he was adopted by Barry Soetoro. Apparently, there is a law
that states an adopted child that is 5 or younger automatically becomes
a Indonesian citizen. It all just depends technically on when the
adoption actually happened, when they actually moved back to Indonesia,
and how long it took the beauracratic process to work. Some sources
claim he was 6 at the time and therefore the law would not have been in
effect, but even so, Soetoro could have still made him an Indonesian
citizen to ease his way into the country's public schools(Besuki). At
that time during the campaign last summer, Obama's website,
FighttheSmears, did not refute Berg's allegations that he traveled on an
Indonesian passport, and that blew the door wide open for investigators
to nit-pick into Obama's past. BTW, last time I checked, that website is
no more, which is kind of odd considering that the smear continues on,
even as he is President. Anyway, IF he was an Indonesian citizen, he
PROBABLY had an Indonesian passport for traveling back and forth from
Indonesia to Hawaii....or so the thinking goes.
I know you don't like World Net Daily, but their timelime discussion of
all the variables in this particular article is sound, I think.
They don't claim he is Indonesian as fact, the article I'm linking to is
not really anti-Obama, just an article that attempts to suss out the
facts and laws of the time. It is complicated, and there is really no
way to know without Obama sharing more of his life, which he has been
reluctant to do. Where did his adoption take place? Was he 5 or 6 when
his mother moved to Indonesia with Barry? Hawaii has open records in
adoption, so why can't we see Obama's adoption papers? These things
matter, but no answers are forthcoming from Obama. If he would just
answer the questions, the speculation would end, but in effect, he is
pleading the 5th. Baarrry, you gots sum 'splainin' to do! <g> There
are a lot of questions that need to be answered, but he still isn't
talking, which is why it drags on and gains more speed.
The whole situation was further aggravated by all kinds of people, all
manners of statements and odd things, like Bill Clinton saying "I think
everybody's got a right to run for President who qualifies under the
Constitution." That seems to be a weird thing to say about a candidate,
don't you think? And Hawaii has several different types of 'birth
certificates' and the one Obama released to the public(even if it is
genuine and not a fake as some claim) is not the long form, not the most
detailed one that you would need to show for something important like
getting a passport. It would seem to me that if my citizenship was
being questioned, I'd provide the document with the most proof of my
birth and history, which in this case would be the Hawaiian long form
that would show name changes, dates, times, etc. Unfortunately, Obama's
own actions, or lack of action, have perpetuated suspicion, not the
greatest thing for a President who promises transparency.
I don't know why y'all are just now learning of this. It was publicized
well before the election. It has been hashed and rehashed ad nauseum
awaiting a response from Obama. Lynda's tag line is indicative of this
whole mess..."Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." I
suppose he is hoping that it will go away, and quite frankly, with this
country's short attention span, I'm really surprised that it hasn't.
Funny, just now I see a headline 'Obama Irks Dems By Declaring He Can
Ignore Legislation like Bush Did' LOL...SOP perhaps?
Lynn Wigglesworth wrote:
> I'm pretty much non-political, and not particularly a supporter of
> Obama. But I see things like this reported over and over without a
> shred of proof. Where did the Indonesian passport rumor start? If
> there was even a hint of evidence of that, wouldn't it have come out
> by now?
"Never expect magic from no where" Baringo (Kenyan) working motto
EarthNSky Farm, NW Georgia, USA
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?
, (continued)
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Lynda, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
EarthNSky, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Lynda, 07/23/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynda, 07/21/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/21/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynda, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynda, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/21/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Leslie, 07/21/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, DSanner106, 07/21/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Leslie, 07/21/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Leslie, 07/21/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Leslie, 07/21/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
DSanner106, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Marie McHarry, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
DSanner106, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, Lynda, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, DSanner106, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, DSanner106, 07/22/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?, DSanner106, 07/22/2009
Re: [Homestead] Has anyone heard about this?,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 07/22/2009
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