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Subject: Homestead mailing list
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- From: Leslie <cayadopi AT>
- To: homestead AT
- Subject: Re: [Homestead] Chinampas
- Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 10:16:26 -0800 (PST)
One of the ways to connect the dots between gold and homesteading is
Some of those that have acquired wealth ----- wealth as measured strictly in
terms of USDollars (or other fiat currencies), as opposed to what a
homesteader properly considers wealth --- and while I'm defining things....
just forget for the purposes of the point I'm trying to make of whether the
wealth was acuired via production or thru deception..... since 99.9% of the
rest of the world doesn't make that distinction....
Some of those that have acquired fiat monetary wealth recognize the house of
cards game is over.... The house of cards being the acquisition of wealth
thru non-production, thru ass-sitting, and the effects it will have on the
world economies. The house of cards is in the beginning stages of of
collapse -- so some of those that have acquired fiat wealth are running
towards owning physical gold in the belief (whether their belief is true or
not) that this is a way to protect their fiat monetary wealth.
What this rush towards owning physical gold/silver means to pure homesteaders
and homesteaders that might also be farmers, and homesteaders that are still
relying on some type of outside income to acquire things they can not produce
------ is that there is a huge warning sign flashing that the method of trade
and surviving that all of us have known our entire lives even if you are 100
years old - is about to change. I'm talking about running to the grocery
store and being able to use 1/3 of a weeks wages to buy groceries that come
in from all around the world or whatever percent people use depending on
their earnings, or being able to splurge on a movie, or whatever.
The rush to gold globally is a very symptom of fear.
People run to gold/silver when they fear hyperinflation. This run to gold
isn't happening just in the U.S. but around the world. And I'm not talking
about the average Joe running to gold - average Joe is selling his gold at
those jewelry parties to those who are attempting to preserve their fiat
wealth with gold (whether it will work or not - that is what they are doing).
Whether gold can be a store of wealth or not is not as material, not as
important, as recognizing that rush to gold is quite like signaling that the
method of trade, the way of life that we have known and enjoyed in multiple
countries is in the beginning phases of going thru a radical change.
This could wind up being the kind of radical change that makes pure
homesteaders the wealthy ones (as opposed to being looked on as dirt poor).
Or it could be the kind of change that leads towards a global
communist/socialist expirement - or who knows what. But it is a warning sign
that many believe a radical change is in the making.
The way I look at things, as I embark upon becoming as self-sufficient of a
producer for self-consumption as I can --- is that the rush to gold/silver
around the world by the wealthy - is signalling that time is running out.
I'm looking at the things that I can not produce (i.e. a steel shovel, sugar,
wheat, material for clothes, gas, LP, etc.) and wondering what I need to
change immediately to prepare for this potential change. For example, I have
a bicycle in case I can't get fuel for the scooter. I'm acquiring canning
jars, and as many "sustainable" things as I can for food production.
Do I think that owning some gold for the purposes of a trade in the event of
a hyperinflation is a good idea? You betcha!!! Because I know up front I
can't produce everything I need to survive - and during a hyperinflation
there will still be those that won't see the collapse over the horizon, the
collapse after hyperinflation. I do not have a crystal ball; I can not
foresee what things I do not have know that I will need in the future. One
thing for sure would be medical care.
Will gold or silver have any fiat money value after a hyperinflation - I
don't know. But during the hyperinflation, I bet it will come in handy.
Can I eat gold - hell no. I can't even use it as a sinker - as there are no
little fishies in the desert. :-)
In a hyperinflation - you need the "right kind of money".
Post hyperinflation - that "right kind of money" may well very turn out to be
an adornment, a trinket, with tortillas or rice, or potatos being the symbol
of wealth again.... On the other hand, if government creates a new currency
in exchange for gold, it might be useful for that.
--- On Sun, 1/11/09, Clansgian AT <Clansgian AT> wrote:
"so long as we have enough or the the right kind of money."
The Aztecs had plenty of gold, as did the Mayans
and Incans. But among them it was never money, it was adornment.
>From erthnsky AT Sun Jan 11 13:26:52 2009
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Subject: Re: [Homestead] Fear & Loathing , new Peter Schiff interview,
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I live 17 miles from town. We were very close, when gas was over
$4/gallon, to either walking to work, or biking or hitchhiking....very
close. Like Marie says, when prices are high, change comes. No buses
or light rail here,,,,heck, Obama should build bike lanes, not new
roads. Here, the shoulders of the highways are ridged so that drivers
will wake up if they wander too far from center. It makes for a rough
bike ride.
Leslie wrote:
> But how does that help RURAL?
> --- On Sun, 1/11/09, Marie McHarry <mmcharry AT> wrote:
> From: Marie McHarry <mmcharry AT> Subject: Re: [Homestead]
> Fear & Loathing , new Peter Schiff interview, immeninent demi To:
> bobford79 AT, homestead AT Date: Sunday,
> January 11, 2009, 9:58 AM
> Bob wonders how the raising o gas prices elps rural people (of which
> I am one). It's pretty straightfoward. Back before we had two cars in
> every garage we had light rail. It will never come back unless it's
> cheaper than driving. Right now we have private buses from a couple
> of small towns to Springfield. The same is true for Peoria's
> Caterpillat north of me. Without incentive people don't change, but
> ewxpensive gas will bring change.
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"The world is my country, all mankind are my
brethren, and to do good is my religion."
Thomas Paine (1737 - 1809)
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas
, (continued)
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
EarthNSky, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, Lynda, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Robert Walton, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, Leslie, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, Lynn Wigglesworth, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Bunjov, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, Lynda, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, Bunjov, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Bunjov, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, bobf, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
bobf, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, bobf, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
bobf, 01/11/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, EarthNSky, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Clansgian, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
EarthNSky, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/12/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 01/13/2009
- Re: [Homestead] Chinampas, Leslie, 01/13/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Lynn Wigglesworth, 01/13/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/12/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
EarthNSky, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
Leslie, 01/11/2009
Re: [Homestead] Chinampas,
EarthNSky, 01/11/2009
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