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homestead - Re: [Homestead] More on Gold

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  • From: Clansgian AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] More on Gold
  • Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 14:56:57 EST

> >At any rate, we are debating semantics. I believe you understood my point,
> and I do get yours.

Yes, I did understand your point, it was well put. And my point isn't rocket
science so I assume reasonalble people get it if the don't always appreciate
the significance.

It IS a matter of semantics. I am using the term "value" as "function" while
you are using it more in the sense of "estimation".

First as to the matter of being allergic to potatoes, in the microcosm of our
individual homesteads, I would draw this distincion. If you are allergic to
potatoes, they NEVER have a function for you (and you probably do not esteem
them either). Whereas on my homestead where I am not allergic to potatoes,
they ALWAYS have a function. I would, for example, never entertain the
notion of
raising castor beans for food because they are poisonous. Ignoring the rest
of the world for the moment, on a farmstead where the person was allergic to
them, potatoes are the same as castor beans, they have no function as food.

I would contrast that with the concept that I take it you are addressing and
that is that we all esteem things differently. But then are we not just
modifying my objection about agreed upon value by society as a whole by
reducing it
to pretty much the same thing with an audience of one?? I might highly
esteem asparagus (that it: has a high value for me) but it would not alter
fact that on a farmstead full of physical work, I cannot subsist on a mostly
asparagus diet. Even if high estimation is there, high function might not

Put under the scrutiny of function vs estimation, gold has very limited and
very specialized function. Potatoes have very high function but CAN have
limited estimation.

Esteem comes and goes both societally and individually and can change on a
whim. Function is far less subject to change and only changes when the
of our circumstances changes.


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