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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Kuntsler , new commentary, super-inflation

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Kuntsler , new commentary, super-inflation
  • Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 13:10:33 -0500

Lynn Wigglesworth wrote:

It's the many, many 'normal' people I have faith in. People who sooner or later will see that the emperor has no clothes. People who
will only put up with so much of this nonsense. They are still out there; they just have to get sufficiently riled. Maybe it won't happen if my lifetime, but I think if Obama delivers more of the same
(as it's looking like he will), there's going to be a lot of angry people.Sooner or later, something is going to blow.

Lynn Wigglesworth

I haven't read much of this thread as I know zip about economics and
I've been doing other things, but I tell ya Lynn, I am naturally
pessimistic about the 'normal' people. I think that so many have become
sheeple(sorry Bob) that they don't realize they are the frog in the
boiling pot of water.(and I had that analogy in draft before you
posted-I did not copy you but great minds think alike!) I really don't
think people see it coming or get that they have any control over
anything. When I read these articles about people wanting to be bailed
out, I just shake my head. You and I make jokes about being bailed out,
but some people are serious. They refuse to believe that they are in
control of their own lives. If the chicks are always looking up for the
mama bird to return with the worm, they never see the hawk or the snake
that is about eat them. Dependence leads to vulnerability and
ignorance. People are fed information, and they believe it. The media
is horrible with this. Even when they know the truth, they don't report
it, because the lie makes for better ratings. The emperor may have no
clothes, but as long as the MSM is there to spin it convincingly that he
does, people no longer even look to see for themselves if it is true.
I'm trying to give Obama a chance, but I agree with you that it is
looking like he will be the same as what we have had in the past. For
me, that's good news compared to what I was afraid of-him moving the
country to the far left of center-but bad news for all of those millions
who thought he was the Change candidate. I know he's not in office
yet, but so many people are already making excuses for him. "it's good
to have all of that experience" or my favorite "we can't just pull the
troops out lock, stock, and barrel, that would be destabilizing"(this is
what the Republicans have said up front all along-were people just not
listening?) People are accepting whatever spin the media assigns to a
story. (change is out, experience is in)
In some ways, I hope we do have some kind of revolution in this country.
I hope that the way people choose to revolt is by voting third party
but I fear that people will instead break into properties and loot to
take what they feel they are entitled to. We have created a Me Me Me
Society, and the haven't seen the full consequences of that yet.


“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to
hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda

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