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baslinux - Re: [BL] Can I make my own scsi kernel?

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  • From: "David Moberg" <davidjmoberg AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] Can I make my own scsi kernel?
  • Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2005 12:02:28 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: "sindi keesan" <keesan AT>

> >> Does slhc.o correspond to something I should configure?
> >
> > You need it for kernel-mode PPP and SLIP connections, as it's the
> > basic building block for the two.
> I assumed I need it but I don't recall being asked about anything
> to configure that looks like it, just for PPP and SLIP. Does it
> come with one of them?

I suppose if you configure either PPP or SLIP it is automatically

> With esssolo1.o I did not need to make devices (but maybe I had
> made them already somehow on that computer?)

Probably. Someone mentioned earlier that one of the sound packages
comes with modules? In any case, if the device files don't exist
on your partition you'll have to set that up.

> >> but I will have to redo after hand-editing .config
> >
> > Good luck. I always use the configuration tools, as hand-editing may cause
> > problems with configuration dependencies.
> I will try one more time using the tools since it still did not
> work when I compiled again (after doing make clean) with OSS VMIDI
> SOUNDLOW (is this needed? soundlow.o insmodded before I configured
> for it).
> I tried to insmod sound using my kernel and still got
> isa_dma_bridge_buggy

That should never happen with a fresh kernel + modules. Perhaps you
have a corrupted source archive? Although that doesn't seem likely.

> This also happened on a different computer with the same kernel.

I think that's an unresolved symbol in the kernel, rather than a comment
on the condition of your ISA bus. Try a different kernel version if you
can, if reconfiguration doesn't help.

> The computer where I compiled the kernel is one of two ASUS boards
> that will not play ripped wav files in linux (they do play in DOS,
> and in linux I can play files that came with SB16 package for DOS).
> When I try, I get an error message about IRQ/DRQ conflicts. Is
> it possible that the kernel was compiled to give me this message,
> because of the motherboard that it was compiled on, so that I would
> not try to use sound on it?

Perhaps the kernel driver doesn't support the sampling rate/data size
of the ripped wav files but does support the SB16 files? If that's the
case, you'll either need a newer driver, or conversion to a more
primitive format.

> I suppose I can try compiling with the same .config directly on the
> other computer to test this theory. Or compiling with the bare.i
> .config on the ASUS computer to see if I get the same problem (in
> which case I should pick another computer to compile an all-purpose
> kernel on, assuming I can find one that is not buggy in some way,
> which seems unlikely since two don't load loop BL3, three don't
> loadlin without MSDOS 7, and one keeps changing its cpu speed). Is
> it best to compile on a faster computer?

It's best to compile on a reliable computer. Higher CPU speed = quicker
compile, that's all.

> >> I did not compile to support mdacon.o but it works as a module anyway
> >> in BL2 and BL3. Why?
> >
> > Some modules are compatible between different kernels. Your mileage may
> > vary drastically, as other modules may spit out pages of unresolved
> > symbols on insertion, force a kernel panic, or worse.
> BL2 and BL3 use the same modules, but I was wondering why I did not
> have to answer any questions about mdacon while configuring to
> compile. What exactly happens to the kernel when you tell it, for
> instance, to let you use the sound.o module?

When you insmod? Or when you select =m from configuration and then make?

> > Only for your first configuration, or after a drastic change.
> What counts as a drastic change? Do I need to make clean every
> time I change .config by adding another module? (Or if I subtract
> something?).

A drastic change means adding things like PPP, SLIP, ISA PnP, major
things that require more than just the basic kernel. There are so many
modules that it's hard to be specific about which ones may need a change
or not. In general, you won't need the make clean, as make dep should
fix the dependencies.

> Thanks for all the help.

You're welcome.


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