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baslinux - Re: [BL] Opera 7.10 beta, graphical browser stuff

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  • From: sindi keesan <keesan2 AT>
  • To: baslinux AT
  • Subject: Re: [BL] Opera 7.10 beta, graphical browser stuff
  • Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 18:33:55 -0400 (EDT)

> > Steven, have you tried Opera 6.11 on just one computer?
> Two. A P166 with 64mb RAM and a 486-66 with 16mb RAM.
> Identical problem. I've run it with two different kernels.
> Identical problem. I've run it from BL2 and from Slack71.
> Identical problem.

> > Is it worth asking other users about the Slackware 7.1
> > incompatibility with Opera 6.11?
> I would be very happy to get input from Slackware 7.1 users.
> However, most Slackware users moved to version 8 long ago.

Here is a thread from the Opera for Linux Forum (readable only by
registered forum users) regarding 6.1 and crashes, not exactly the same
type of crashes but note that two users found 6.0x more stable than 6.1.
One of them was using Slackware 7.1. I removed names to save space.
Google may not have access to this forum.

If you want I can post your specific problem but could you please
summarize all the hardware information and the exact description of what
happens in one place as I am having trouble finding things in the last 75

Here is a thread at the Opera Linux Forum (which may not be found by
google as you need to be signed up to read the forums - I signed up, it
was easy). This is about Opera 6.1 (not your exact problem) and two users
said 6.0x was more stable.

Opera 6.1 - Random Crashes

Using Opera6.1 Shared on RH8
While surfing a page, Opera will just close it self with no warning or
message. I can go back to the same page again w/o issue - thus the
Even pages w/ just static html can crash it.
I've tried to do an RPM -E uninstall, but my system just sits there
and will not uninstall Opera. I wanted to try using the Static library

I have this exact same problem. It is random but usually happens once
a night or so. All Linux versions of Opera that I have used have done
this; 6.1, 6.03 and the one before that. 6.01 perhaps? I don't
It has happened in both versions of Linux that I have used; Mandrake
8.2 & 9.0
It simply vanishes without any warning. It restarts fine. I have
always used the Qt shared version.

Perhaps you could try the static version and see if this improves
Opera's stability? We have tested Opera on Red Hat 8 and Mandrake 8
and 9 (as well as other distributions), and haven't seen any problems
like this.
Best regards,
Haavard K. Moen
Senior Technical Service Consultant, Opera Software

I have tried a lot of different distros, Debian, Mandrake, Redhat and
Gentoo (currently) and have been trying with both static and dynamic
QT for this problem to go away. I even mailed opera support, that
responded there were no such error - it had to be my something with my
box... When I didn't give up, I got to know that Opera lacks debug
info as well, therefore they couldn't do anything about it...
I'm kind of "glad" that it's not just me having this...

THIS POST IS INTERESTING!!!!!! Is it worth trying 6.03?

Upgaded to Opera 6.1 for Linux yesterday and thing became worse...
Opera crashes consistently while trying to open Hotmail site with
seg.fault. on line 138. I tried deleting any trace of the previouse
Opera installation and installing clean, but to no avail. It does not
matter if I have one or many windows open at once either.
In the end I had to revert to 6.03 which is stable (that is, have not
crashed even once since I installed it ).
By the way, I noticed that Opera now uses QT 3.0, whilte I have
2.1.something... I had therefore to use a staticly linked installation
(from tar.gz, of course ).
My system:
Slackware Linux 7.1
Kernel 2.4.18
XFree86 4.1

The randoom crashes happens to me too, without any message at all. I'm
using opera 6.1 mdk 8.2/9 and rh7.3. Any chance to get a dump? I think
this will be useful to opera developers.
And another bug I'm seing only in this release (6.1) is that when
going backwards in history with mose gestures sometimes opera
"forgets" the previous page and jumps to the second page backwards.
Hope my english is comprehensible

i have also tried to track the problem down but no avail..also
enabling all debug switches doesnt give useful info. i have also tried
the static and the dynamically linked versions (*.deb and *.tar.gz)
but same with both. btw, in debian unstable with j2sdk1.4 installed
the shared lib version of opera cant run java applets but i like the
static version better anyway because it looks better .
i also felt that 6.03 was extremely reliable and i am sure you will
fix this stability issue soon.
my sys:
athlon XP 2000+
512 MB DDR
debian linux unstable (i wonder why they picked that name )
kernel 2.4.19 with sgi xfs and latency patch

I too have the same problem with Redhat 8, Lycoris (Build 46,61 and
62) and Suse8.0 and 8.1 ... It does occurs so often, maybe I'l just
change browser...

Same here, on a well-configured Slackware box

I have a suspicion concerning the random crashes:
Some of my colleges are complaining about crashes since yesterday,
too. (SuSE8.1 and 7.2), allthough nothing on the system has changed.
But my opera runs fine, even if I go to their machines.
The only difference is, that I am using a registered Version, and they
are using an unregistered one.
Mayby there is something wrong with an advertisment, which was
recently delivered.

I have Opera 6.1 QT Static on MDK 9.0 (dolphin) and it has never
crashed at the moment, my sys config is displayed below
Athlon K7 1.33 running at 1.46Ghz - Aus A7V 133, CPU Cooling
Thermltake Volcano 7+, RAM 768Mb - Geforce 3 Ti500 64Mb DDR - Sound
Blaster 5.1 - Hauppauge Win/TV 878/9 VFW - Realtek RTL8139 10/100
Ethernet - 6,4Gb IBM DHEA 36841 - 14,8Gb IBM DTLA 371440 - 40Gb Maxtor
6 L040J2 ATA133 - 40Gb Maxtor 6 L040J2 ATA133 - 60Gb IBM DTLA 307060
ATA100 - MATSHITA DVD ROM SR8585 - Yamaha CRW F1 44/24/44 - Display
LCD Eizo L565 17'' - Logitech Optical cordless mouse - Logitech
wireless keyboard


Mayby there is something wrong with an advertisment, which was
recently delivered.

They could delete the content of the acpo directory. On the other
hand, I experience random crashes and use a registered version, ...

I'm having this problem as well. It seems to be getting more frequent
recently (happend twice in last 30 mins). I'm running mandrake 9.0
default install and registered version on opera 6.1.
Linux newbie and webmaster of [119]

!!!!! Another user reporting 6.0x crashes less than 6.1

I think if you disable JavaScript and plug-ins Opera will crash less
frequently but it might still crash. I started Opera on Friday, Nov.
22nd and it has not crashed, yet. Maybe I'm just lucky this time. It
did crash quite often during the last weeks. Opera 6.0x hardly ever
crashed (maybe once in two weeks).

I have the same problem, Opera crashes every time. Using both the
static and dinamic linked. It closes the window and creates a core
Any help will be apreciated.

The possible cause of the seqfaults

I've found out, that the browser crashes everytime when the
advertising banner tries to load a new page. If I deactivate the proxy
settings and use the browser only in the intranet it is stable.
OPERA can you please check your advertising?

ad banners

using strace I also found that opera
always connects to
and tries to load an ad banner before it crashes...

Opera crashes

I blocked this site in my firewall and the problem was gone.
I feel sorry for the Opera team, but if an ill-formed ad can crash the
program, they are in deep trouble.

I registered Opera when it was on sale for $19.00 and without the ad
bar it has been rock steady.
Something to think about
Visit My Forum, Click the WWW button.

Hi guys,
just to point out that it's the troublesome coexistence with Xft which
causes the problems. If you haven't read the other threads, here is
Temporary solution:
RedHat users:
delete .font.cache-1 from your home directory
Debian users:
delete .xftcache from your home
Deleting the URW font entries from /etc/X11/Xftconfig helps a lot.
Check the threads:
Opera 6.1 Segmentation Fault on RedHat 8
Solution to segfaults??

I bought Opera and got rid of the ads nearly a year ago and this
problem has persisted regularly anyway.
Hmmm...xft eh? I'll give those soultions a go.

Ok, I found a file called .xftcache in my /home and deleted it.
Hopefully the sky won't fall and Opera will stop vanishing into thin
I am using:
Mandrake 9.0 with KDE 3
Opera 6.1 Qt shared

Nothing posted on this thread thus far has worked. I have tried it
Has anyone else with this problem found any other methods of
eliminating it? Or perhaps know of any other fourms or newsgroups that
have been discussing it?

Download 6.11 from There was a random crash related to the
ad banner in 6.10, if you still have that version then you should
update it. Choose the appropriate language, the RPM file that says it
is for Red Hat 8 or Mandrake 9, shared Qt. If you already installed
Java (either separately or with the previous version of Opera) you
don't need to update it - though honestly I couldn't get Java to work
properly with 6.10 anyway in Mandrake 9.

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