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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] expectations of users

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  • From: "Ricardo Izquierdo" <odracir_redwolf AT>
  • To: "SourceMage GNU/Linux Discuss" <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] expectations of users
  • Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 00:25:19 +0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Mahon <dufflebunk AT>
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003 11:00:48 -0500
To: sm-discuss <sm-discuss AT>
Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] expectations of users

> I don't know... I'd never compiled a program for my first 2 years of
> using linux, I still though Bash was like the MSDOS prompt, and I had
> almost never used tar.
> It has always been my view that we aim for users with linux experience.
> Sorcerer was aimed directly at system administrators. I think we don't
> require that much experience, but expect some. I agree, a binary distro
> is better for people who want to cut their teeth on linux.
> On Mon, 2003-12-01 at 10:36, Hamish Greig wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Realistically how much can we expect SMGL users to know ?
> > if a person has been a user for 18 months or more is it wrong to expect
> > them
> > to have learned to use basic *nix tools in that time and to be capable of
> > following simple instructions with respect to adding configure switches
> > in
> > BUILD files etc ?
> > I had always thought if you didn't want to learn these things you would
> > be
> > better off using redhat or some other binary/preconfigured distro.
> > Am I wrong ?
> > Is our long term goal to make SMGL completely foolproof for the
> > inexperienced
> > users ? or is a minimum of experience required/expected ?
> >
> > Hamish

Paul and Hamish:

I had start my Linux tour with Mandrake, but due to my work all the software
that I need isn't preconfigured, so I was compiling and using tar.
Now that I'm with SMGL, it's wonderful. I have to compile and build
everything, sometimes spoiling something and starting again, but something
that helps me a lot is the Wiki. I'm not and advanced user, but the wiki had
help to improve my skills. If a new SMGL user has problems, the first advice
I will give him/her is READ THE WIKI, and if you don't find the answer, then
ask. And SMGL is a great distro, for skilled users and for new ones. Remember
somehting, when a user wants to learn nobody will stop him, no matters if is
new or skilled.
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