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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Pond Clean Up/PC Scale

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  • From: Mark <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Pond Clean Up/PC Scale
  • Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:34:19 -0500

> Tight, hard clay mineral soils with only 3-4" of top soil. Like concrete when
> dry, like molding clay when wet.

Frank, I love John's idea of pulling those little ponds into elongated
swales. If clay's the deal, work with it by planting a deep rooted annual
crop ( daikon, alfalfa) and

Both of these are going to be unhappy in wet areas. Get some sulphur worked into that soil, gypsum and or ammonium sulfate. Mix a little buckwheat in with whatever you plant, really works miracles on many soils, 10 lb /a should be plenty in a mix (#'s for lb/a work about right for and kg/h) . Might try reed canary grass, takes time to develop but can take both wet and drought conditions, be sure to use low alkaloid variety.

follow up with tree planting - poplar, willow (
Not sure of the nutritional value of willow, there was a post on that
recently, but poplar, according to the USDA has "twice the feed value of
clover, honeysuckle" and a third plant I can't remember off-hand.

If they will eat it. They like grass better. Goats prefer woody plants, cows prefer grass.


> John, I'm having a problem getting enough pasture for my cattle as it is. I'm
> thinking of clearing (over time) more land for pasture so that I have enough
> good forage for my cattle.

See above

Plant more grass.

> Frank, are you gonna host/take the course or what ? :-)

permaculture mailing list

Mark P. Ludwig
Poultry Research Lab
University of Wisconsin -Madison
608-262-1730 WK
608-846-7125 HM

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