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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Re: big ag in PC

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Subject: permaculture

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  • From: Mark <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Re: big ag in PC
  • Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2002 07:47:47 -0500

At 05:36 AM 9/2/02 -0700, you wrote:
On Monday 02 September 2002 06:51 am, you wrote:
> I saver every tiny victory that makes
> the place more sustainable and firmly believe that it will be these small
> steps that will get us to a better future. Furthermore a 10% improvemt on
> millions of acres have more net impact than a 100% improvement on a few
> hundred.

Sure, incremental change can be effective. The only issue
might be labeling our activities "Permacullture". Since Pc
is a design process doesn't there need to be ongoing design for it to
exist. Results are not Pc and the techniques are not Pc.

Might just be my predilections here, but these semantic issues seem silly to me. It's all close enough for me to be PC.

We can't apply "Pc techniques?" to a ecological disaster and
call that Pc (It is debatable whether any technique can be
labeled Pc without being part of a design process). Another
consideration is with incremental design. Does Pc need to
look at the big picture and consider all the connections and
long term consequences?

If all this is true, then applying Pc to an existing "industrial ag" farm
might be a question of: how much freedom do we have to design
and work with the design. At some point we may have to say that
laws, economics, and scale add too many restrictions for Pc design.


I have decided to just be a PC implementer rather than a designer. I like the ring of Permaculture Barbarian League. Hell the designs all pretty much look alike to me anyway, just patterning over and over.

permaculture mailing list

Mark P. Ludwig
Poultry Research Lab
University of Wisconsin -Madison
608-262-1730 WK
608-846-7125 HM

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