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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Re: big ag in Pc

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  • From: Steve Diver <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Re: big ag in Pc
  • Date: Tue, 03 Sep 2002 09:58:31 -0500

Much appreciative of your positive remarks, Frank.

My approach is to occassionally share resources from
ATTRA rather push our name and take up space.

Yet, there is one item below I would like to clarify
because it suggests something which is not true at all.

You wrote:
"But because they are a government organization they are limited
in what they CAN say, and RECOMMEND."

Nyet!! ATTRA is not a government organization. It is one
project of many projects from National Center for Appropriate
Technology, a non-profit organization.

Incidentally, one of the projects NCAT manages on a
contract with Department of Energy is the Smart Communities
Network web page. It is a great place to support the needs
of Pc design and technique with regards to energy efficient
architecture, sustainable communities, etc.

Smart Communities Network

ATTRA does receive a government grant, a relationship
between NCAT and USDA that goes back to the 1985
Farm Bill which called for dissemination of sustainable
agriculture information and technologies to farmers.

The staff of ATTRA have a lot of experience working in
non-profit agricultural organizations, Extension Service,
Peace Corp, international agriculture, appropriate technology,
and farming. I cannot recall one incident in my 14 years
with ATTRA where USDA ever said we should or
should not address a topic or correct any sentence or
paragraph that we wrote. Since by we are by necessity
professional farm advisors with advanced degress and
relationships with colleagues in professional societies,
universities, and NGO's we naturally have high standards
for publishing; naturally we also take a positive, objective
approach to handling topics and writing materials. Internal
review and external review provides a feedback mechanism.

I should add that we have a very positive relationship
with USDA and the trust extended to ATTRA to provide
sustainable agriculture resources to farmers is borne out of
a lot of hard work and experience.

It may seem like I have to write a lot to explain a simple
matter regarding a statement that was incorrect and misleading.
Yet the statement inappropriately shaded the topics we
address and publish.

When I say we are a non-profit organization and not
a government agency, I assume people understand
there are vast differences between these two sectors.

Again, much appreciate of your positive feedback, this
is just a matter of clarification.

Steve Diver
ATTRA wrote:

> << ATTRA already does what you describe below, or
> much of what you describe below...
> *give information to farmers of all scale
> *well proven techniques for their bio-region
> *alley-cropping silviculture, mechanical harvesting of
> perrenial polycultures, agroforestry, etc. >>
> First, let me commend Steve, and ATTRA for the outstanding work they do. I
> find it's one of the areas that government money is well spent.
> And the mindset of the organization is very positive, and helpful. It's
> always a pleasure dealing with them. Bravo, Steve!
> But because they are a government organization they are limited in what they
> CAN say, and RECOMMEND. I understand well the "whys". But that info is still
> vital and that, and the details needed to emulate the success stories
> mentioned is often glossed over.
> BTW initially I grabbed every ATTRA title applicable...and many enterprises
> I
> weeded out. But have not seen many of the updated Titles. I've been meaning
> to call, and have then send me the new ones. Always interesting reading
> because they are promoting many of the ideas we so often discuss on this,
> and
> other sustainable ag lists.
> Great job! Steve. Frank

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