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pcplantdb - Re: [pcplantdb] [synthesis][7][8.10.04]

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  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [pcplantdb] [synthesis][7][8.10.04]
  • Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 09:59:51 +0200 (CEST)


Thansk for summarising everything in plain English Stephanie.

I do read all of the postings but most of them might as well be in Chinese for me.

I welcome the idea of splitting into two strands - a techi strand and others. I would feel that I might be able to contribute something then.


> Message date : Aug 11 2004, 08:21 AM
> From : "Stephanie Gerson"
> To :
> Copy to :
> Subject : [pcplantdb] [synthesis][7][8.10.04]
> Wow, I should never go a day without reading posts?
> First of all, I wanted to thank Scott Pittman for his encouraging letter.
> And I will make sure that we meet the requirements of the granting
> organization, so that the Permaculture Institute?s ability to receive
> grants in the future is not compromised! Also Scott, if you?d rather not
> wade through all these posts, I will gladly send you periodic updates of
> how the project is coming along.
> And second of all?too incredible?.can it really be true??no, not
> possible?but really??I don?t believe it?but yes?yes, I think
> so?nahh?yes,
> I?m sure of it?we?we?we?we have a name!
> Perfect. I
> dig it. (Actually, David had offered me the name as well, and I had
> completely forgotten ? so thanks Chad.) yeehaw partners.
> Other orders of business:
> -PROJECT NAME ? ok so we have a domain name. yay. But what are we going
> to call ourselves? As in: what do we call the
> project itself ? on grant applications, when discussing it, etc.? Am I
> just obsessed with names or something (speaking of, I still want
> distinguishing names for John S. and John H.) I liked Lawrences idea of
> Permaculture Information Web.
> (Also, not too into buying lots of domain names, but if you want to
> Lawrence ? go for it.)
> -DOMAIN OWNERSHIP ? After reading Scott Pittman?s letter, I think the
> Permaculture Institute ought to have ownership, until we choose to
> transfer it to ourselves if we gain non-profit status or to another non-
> profit. What do others think? Do people think we should go for non-
> profit status? (Please respond with a yes or no.) And if so, when?
> (Please respond with now or later.) And if we do decide to go for non-
> profit, I will probably include this in my post to the PC lists (which I
> will write tomorrow night) and ask if anyone has experience with the
> process and would be willing to help us out.
> Also, Scott Pittman sits on the board of the Permaculture Credit Union
> (or used to, at least) ? so he might be able to help us out on that end.
> Would we still need to create a trust, or would the Permaculture
> Institute take care of that?
> -ZOPE/IBIBLIO ? Thanks for writing to them, Chad! And maybe your offer
> of support/donation of a server will convince them? If they are planning
> to host ZOPE at some point anyway, why not start now, ne c?est pas?
> But Chad, I understand your predicament about plunging ahead with ZOPE.
> Group ? we gotta come to a consensus for Chad?s sake (but first wait to
> hear what Ibiblio says). If Ibiblio is not willing to host ZOPE ? do we
> go ZOPE or Ibiblio???
> -LICENSE ? Thanks for the update, Rich. So, if I understand what you
> wrote correctly, there is no need to do anything right now (i.e. apply
> for a license) ? we simply need to include specific lines in the code?
> -RESPONSIBILITIES ? Looks like John H. and John S. (see? we definitely
> need other names for these dudes) are splitting what were formerly John
> S.?s tasks?I think. Can this be clarified? Can both of you send me a
> mini-blurb about your role/contribution to the project ? just to include
> on biographies in grant proposals? gracias. And thanks John H. for
> offering to volunteer!
> -PROJECT PLAN ? don?t worry if we are falling behind ?schedule,? the
> project plan is a tool. And if you aren?t meeting deadlines, just let me
> know and I will adapt the project plan. The calendar is intended to be
> dynamic, co-evolving?and guess what else it is? Mais oui, it is also a
> web of relationships! Which is actually the most important reason you
> need to update me ? tasks are related and some depend on others. Like
> this: the process of gaining non-profit status might be facilitated by a
> Lovely volunteer on one of the PC lists, but this person won?t know about
> the project until Stephanie sends a post about it, but she didn?t want to
> send a post about it until we had a name? Aha, a web of relationships.
> So again, no worries about meeting uber-specific deadlines ? just let me
> know what yer status is. Allrighty?
> On that tip, thank you Chad, John S., and John H. for giving me updates.
> And Rich, I can read what you?re up to, but it?s helpful if you can
> relate it to what?s written in the project plan.
> Once again, below I?ve cut and pasted updated tasks for this week. I?ve
> also made a list of decisions that need to be made. Muy improtante that
> you check the decisions and respond to them, so they can get decided.
> -Thanks Lawrence for describing the difference/relationship between the
> Permaculture Information Web (I like the sound of it!) and the PC
> Knowledgebase. You wrote, ?the PC Knowledgebase will exist in websites,
> one on ibiblio and one in commercial webspace,, one or
> more wikis and the pc-knowledgebase and permaculture mailing lists, and
> maybe a Blog. It will contain a general collection of information about
> permaculture, agriculture, alternative energy, allternative architecture
> and building, appropriate technology, and indigenous cultures
> knowledgebases and technologies. I would like all of the above to be
> incorporated in HG.? I feel like I?m still missing something though ?
> if all of the above are incorporated in the Permaculture Information Web
> and in PCKnowledgebase, then I still don?t understand how the two are
> different. Are they different, the same, or is one a component of the
> other?
> -Rich wrote, ?A button will be displayed on the wiki allowing people to
> edit the page.? Where is that elusive button?? I can never find it.
> Thanks for the compliment, but I am most certainly not a wiki master?yet?
> -Did either of the Johns resolve the Bugzilla issue? John H. wrote, ?I
> have intially set up Bugzilla for John S. to check out. I believe he is
> still identifying customization he wants done for issue tracking.? What
> do you say, John S.?
> Phewww, I guess I?m also somewhat OTE at the moment. Then again,
> compared to John H., I am on vacation. Mmmm?I like that cold beer and a
> nap idea?
> on that note
> peace
> *Stephanie
> p.s. hey Chad, did you spell grammar wrong on purpose?
> p.p.s. whoa there partner, you call yourself a 'stubborn asshole,
> unwilling to compromise'?! I completely disagree with you (or perhaps I
> unwilling to compromise)
> p.p.p.s. speaking of?what?s up with David Blume?
> p.p.p.p.s. is anyone reading this
> p.p.p.p.p.s. this is a pyramid of ps
> +++++++++
> Decisions:
> ? Our domain name will be, but what will our project
> name be? Permaculture Information Web? Or otherwise? (ideally
> something similar to the domain name, so as not to confuse users)
> ? Domain ownership ? do all agree that the Permaculture Institute own the
> domain name until we decide to transfer ownership to another entity?
> ? Do we want to go for non-profit status? If so, when?
> ? If Ibiblio refuses to host ZOPE, what do we do?
> Week 3: August 8-14
> ? Everyone ? respond to decisions that need to be made, listed above
> ? Chad and Rich
> o a working database (with no real data) with php connection and simple
> front end (basically just checking that the different bits can work
> together)
> o issue tracker working, cvs working, zope working
> o Get it running somewhere/somehow
> o Rich ? start doing whatever needs to be done in order to get the latest
> version of PFAF that is under the CC-BY-NC-SA (2 weeks to complete)
> ? Stephanie
> o write first draft of email describing project to PC lists, sends to
> team for feedback
> o write up description user interface/experience, send to list
> o continue updating project calendar
> ? John H.
> o Review changes in the configuration of Zope 2.7.2 for releasing it to
> development access
> o Get zope deployment platform setup for Chad (sometime in the next 3-4
> weeks)
> o Back-end Q/A assistance (throughout process)
> ? John S.
> o prepares and posts FAQs and other documentation on use of issue tracker
> and general software test/QA procedures and guidelines
> o organize for user test of first ?build? (to happen weekly from now on?)
> +++++++++++++++
> Stephanie Gerson
> (c) 415.871.5683
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> pcplantdb mailing list

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