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nafex - Re: [NAFEX] Time for list message footer update...filtering files

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Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Road's End Farm <>
  • To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
  • Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Time for list message footer update...filtering files
  • Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 09:49:03 -0500

On Feb 4, 2011, at 9:57 PM, Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:

And should I filter out .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) and .pps (PowerPoint) files? Yes? No?

I like allowing pdf's but filtering by size. Not everyone can open a .pps, so it might make sense to disallow these and encourage the .pdf format, which is specifically designed to work with any system.

When I had dialup I wanted attachments down in the lower end of the KB range. It's not only a PDF issue; I've seen some very large tif and even jpg files -- while it's easy enough to shrink a jpg before sending, a lot of people don't bother, and some don't understand that they should. And bear in mind that people on dialup aren't likely to be on line continuously, and may therefore be trying to download at one time all the messages that came through during a period of many hours or even several days; so if several people sent emails with images, the total download time is going to be considerably longer. Also, dialup is rarely exactly 56KB; people out at the far end of the phone lines may get a lot less. When I had dialup it usually in practice gave me speeds in the 20-28KB range.

-- Rivka; Finger Lakes NY, Zone 5 mostly
Fresh-market organic produce, small scale

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