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market-farming - [Market-farming] Graffiti Cauliflower

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  • From: Jay Sleichter <jaysleichter AT>
  • To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: [Market-farming] Graffiti Cauliflower
  • Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 20:18:41 -0800 (PST)

I am wondering if this stuff will ever form a head.  I have harvest about 1/4 of my fall planted white Cauliflower.  We are looking at close to 110 days since I transplanted it.  We have had the mildest and sunniest fall/early winter in many years.  Does anyone have any problems with this cauliflower.  Most places say that they work great for a fall planting.

I do have a few heads from a late May planting.  It got too hot and the plants shut down. The grasshoppers moved in and ate almost all the leaves.  Then in early August, they started to grow again.  They look really strange.  The plants are probably 1-2 feet tall with a long bare stock with all these leaves at the top. They look more like tiny palm trees.

Thank you for any thoughts.


Jay's Jellies, Produce and More
Clay Center, Kansas

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