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livingontheland - Re: [Livingontheland] Dealing with deer?

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Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: uriel <>
  • To: Healthy soil and sustainable growing <>
  • Subject: Re: [Livingontheland] Dealing with deer?
  • Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:51:24 -0600

We have a LOT of white tailed deer in SW Missouri -- so many the state lets hunters bag several every year. I see them frequently, but so far none have ever eaten a thing in the garden. Assuming they don't just like me because I have "No Hunting" signs around the land, I think it's because I use urine (my own) around the garden. Rabbits stay away too.

Uriel Andros

Harvey Ussery wrote:
Hi All,

I'm up against the Big Munch. Any advice?

Up until last year, insignificant problem with deer in garden/orchard here. Last year very serious problems in the garden--sweet potatoes devastated.

This year the season is beginning with routine tramping thru the garden every night. Recently transplanted brassicas and lettuces are getting eaten/trampled on.

Have been poring thru online sources--fencing alternatives, repellents, etc. Are there home solutions, not too expensive or time-consuming, that are working for you? I'll be glad to circulate ideas that are particularly useful.

Many thanks.


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