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homestead - Re: [Homestead] As I foretold you ...

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  • From: rayzentz AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] As I foretold you ...
  • Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:33:01 -0400

I have noticed that there has been little on this list from those who
supported Obama during the Chosen One's campaign. So, just curious. Anyone
here still support Him. If so, care to explain why?

Not being a republican, can't say whether they are stupid or not. However,
every single republican in Congress voted no on the health care debacle.
Didn't make any difference. It's up to the people this fall to decide whether
or not this continues.

As for me, we are done renting. We are likely going to go homeless from April
through August, to build up enough of a down payment that we can get a piece
of property we want come fall. Hopefully, interest rates will stay relatively
low for that amount of time.


Dr. Raymond Zentz

It is better to die a free man, than to live, a slave.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lynda <lurine AT>
To: homestead AT
Sent: Thu, Mar 25, 2010 11:44 pm
Subject: Re: [Homestead] As I foretold you ...

Oh, the unemployment rates aren't so bad, or so they tell us. Not to worry,
eflon is creating jobs all over the place. I mean, silly people, look at
ll the stimulous money and all the small businesses it is helping.
Yeah right. Welcome to TWENTY-FIVE POINT EIGHT! That would be the latest
umber where I live!
And, can someone PLEASE tell me why, oh why, does he continue to get away
ith the bold faced lies. Are the Republicans soooo very stupid that they
an't do basic research.
Take their little poster child for healthcare, Marcelas Owens. Ah, so sad.
is mother died at age 27 because she lost her job and then didn't have
ealthcare. ROT! His mother had a disease which is terminal. Period!
id the rightwingers find out *why* she lost her job? Did they actually
ook into what she died of?
Well, let's look at the facts. She had PH (pulmonary hypertension). We
on't know what type but since the kid was only 8 or so when she died, he's
robably a good part of the cause of why she died! AND, the job. More than
ost likely she quit the job, not lost the job. Folks with PH end up
alking around with those little portable O2 units. PH gradually sufficates
he folks who have it.
She would have waltzed from employment to Social Security Disability and
ouldn't have had to face the routine 1st time denial. From there she'd
ave gotten Medicaid and from there to Medicare, IF she didn't already have
Now, I know about PH because Kidlet #5's wife has PH. And she's blonde and
he's dumb as dirt! Back when little Marcelas was born, most women had a
0-80% chance of dying if they got pregnant! AND, they cut their life
xpectancy in half! Now, they have a 50-80% chance of surviving and
enerally only cut 25% off their life expectancy. Ol' Britney decided those
ere pretty good odds. Got preggers and then decided to tell the Kidlet and
is family about the PH! She survived but we got a whole education from her
ocs (first one dropped her quicker than you can say "bye" because she
ouldn't get an abortion).
So, at anyrate, with a little homework they would have discovered that the
oster child was a fraud. And, that is a prime example of how both parties
re working.
personally, I'm hoping both parties implode! Unfortunately there is no
hird party as they are all just a bunch of wingnuts with no real idea of
hat their parties are all about. All they do is run around looking for
omeone with name recognition and change their platforms like most folks
hange their underwear!
I'm on lots of lists that have nothing to do with homesteading or even
ardening and ALL of them are knee deep in talk about gardens. However, I
o see, even on frugal lists (not "that" list) a whole bunch of folks who
re living in total lala land. That's the folks they hope will show up at
he polls.
Do you, in all seriousness, think he will do anything besides stretch his
eck up somemore and look down his nose and make a speech if there is a big
isaster that is within the U.S.
As to the big quakes, well, most of them have been in Northern CA. 6 plus
s not all that uncommon in the Pacific off the coast of Humboldt and Del
orte Counties (btw, Cape Mendocino is in Humboldt County, not Mendocino
ounty). The last one was in January (6.5). Cape Mendocino is the location
f a triple junction,Pacific Plate, North American Plate and the Gorda
late. The San Andreas Fault is a transform boundary and runs south form
he junction and north is the Cascadia subduction zone. And then west runs
he Mendocino Fracture Zone.
You'll get better odds on Northern CA <g>
---- Original Message -----
rom: "EarthNSky" <erthnsky AT>

Careful there, Marie, in that last paragraph, you are starting to sound
like a Republican! ;)

I live in a part of the country that is very much politically
conservative. Even groups that you might think would be liberal are
conservative. People here are disgusted, but more than that, they are
scared. Everyone I talk to is very anti-government, turning against
Democrats AND Republicans. Things are rough enough in these parts, with
unemployment in my area pushing 14% or higher, and with this latest
blow-the health care bill-most folks who had hope, lost it. The economy
is toast. I agree with Marie that we are seriously screwed. It doesn't
help that the President challenges those who intend to take the bill to
court by saying things like "Go For It" and "Be my guest". For all the
*class* this guy is supposed to have, he isn't very presidential in that
regard. He is so cocky...that just doesn't play well here. I recall
that Gene? used to say "The revolution is Barack Obama" or something
like that. That may be truer than he intended, but not in the same
way. I worry about what might happen on April 15th. People who used to
think the Tea Party protesters were kooks are now planning to protest,
after all, they aren't working...unemployment, here or overseas, often
results in unrest. Oh and Marie, I think I disagree with you on the
chemicals thing. Most of our 'chemical' industry is petroleum based and
reliant on other economies. Lots of stuff comes from China, too, like
waxes and resins and polymer feedstocks. I'm not so sure about that
'edge'-it is pretty much a slippery slope.

I just THOUGHT that a lot of folks planted gardens last year...even more
will try it this year. Every where I look, I see folks tilling and
plowing. Technically, we are a week or so away from our last frost
date, but the 15 day forecast shows really warm temps. The pears and
forsythias and daffodils are in full bloom, and my peaches are there,
but the plum and the rest of the trees are still waiting. (zone 7)

Anyway, everyone is really, really worried. I'm lucky that my industry
is still solid, but I am low on seniority and I am under no illusion
about job security. The best I can do is to balance paying off bills
with doing things like replacing the windows and doors on the house.
The final blow to the economy will probably be a large natural
disaster. I believe this might be the year for the Big One(8+) to
strike the greater LA area-making my prediction(no guts no glory
here<g>) for mid May, say between the 12th and the 17th, 14th or 15th,
somewhere in there. Yup, my money is on a big earthquake in
CallyFourNia, followed by regional economic collapse and social
meltdown. I wonder if the President will be so smug and cocky when the
riots start.

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will
not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius
will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the
world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone
are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve
the problems of the human race"

~ Calvin Coolidge

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