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homestead - Re: [Homestead] squash bugs was Re: Irony

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  • From: "Lynn Wigglesworth" <lynnw1366 AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] squash bugs was Re: Irony
  • Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 09:45:45 -0400

That's one way to confuse them; put them in with other plants. There are also a lot of flowers that are said to repel them...marigolds, bee balm, borage, and others I can't remember. I planted a lot of flowers with the squash. The woodchucks gnawed at a lot of mine, which opened them up to the slugs. The only thing they didn't touch were the little Baby Boo pumpkins (decorative), so I have a lot of those. Too bad they aren't very edible.

I've purposely let the grass and weeds grow to hide the squash from the woodchucks (that's my story and I'm sticking to it), and I haven't wanted to make paths in to the plants for the woodchucks to follow, so I won't really know what I have until frost kills the vines (and weeds). The vines themselves are healthy.

Lynn Wigglesworth
Tioga Co. PA
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gil White" <gil.white AT>
To: <homestead AT>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] squash bugs was Re: Irony

I must have missed that post. How do I go about confusing the little bleepers?

This is the first year that I've ever seen a squash bug ( cucumber beetles, potato beetles, hornworms, aphids - yes, never a squash bug).

In real terms I've probably done more damage knocking fruit off the vines then they have munching the leaves, but as the weather cools they've started trying to gnaw through the skins of some of them.

Hardly scientific but so far they seem to prefer the variety called "Sweet Dumpling" followed by "Acorn". I'm not sure if they haven't found the Butternut yet amongst the tomato vines or they naturally stay away from those.


On Sep 11, 2009, Lynn Wigglesworth <lynnw1366 AT> wrote:

and a one from Lynn on confusing squash bugs.

My squash bug plans has worked! (or maybe it's the unusual weather) After
having my plants killed by squash bugs and the virus they carry for 3 or 4
years in a row, I have squash plants everywhere this year and haven't seen a
single bug. This year it's woodchucks after my squash.

Lynn Wigglesworth
Tioga Co. PA
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