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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Broccoli experiment

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Broccoli experiment
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:06:54 -0500

As I mentioned earlier, yesterday I sowed my brassicas in flats. Now, I
get to watch them for a week and see what germinates. Here is the
rundown of what we planted:

DeCicci 18 cells approx 10 seeds per cell (!!!)
Packman Hybrid 9 cells approx 12 seeds per cell (!!!)

Snow Crown Hybrid 9 cells approx 3 seeds per cell
Early Snowball 18 cells approx 4 seeds per cell

Chinese Cabbage
Michihili 9 cells approximately 5 seeds per cell

Bok Choy
Joi Choi Hybrid 9 cells approx 3 seeds per cell

Brussels Sprouts
Long Island 27 cells approx 5 seeds per cell (these seeds are from
germinated well in 2007, but....)

We decided to use up the older seed and save the Catskill variety for
the Fall.
And if anyone knows of good heirloom varieties of these veggies that
might do well in zone 7, feel free to post them!

The broccoli<sigh> was sown by DH. I was carefully sowing
the Michihili and looked up when he walked away from the table to put
the seed packets in the trash. He used up the entire packets! So,
then I realized that I needed to explain that seed sowing was a finesse
operation, like his model building and woodworking, that it requires a
light touch and counting.<g> I explained that a seed packet can be kept
and used for several years if sealed properly and that sometimes when
seeds get old the germination % drops so you sow more, etc....I
explained that if the seeds are current or if I know they are good, I
put 3 per cell and more as the seeds progress in age. He's educated
now.<g>. I swear it is unbelievable to me that he has watched me for so
many years and yet still had no clue. I do think he is enjoying
learning,however. He spent a good portion of the evening looking at
online seed catalogs and comparing varieties. Of course, that sparked
conversation about the difference between OP, Heirloom, Hybrids, F-1
crosses, etc. It is kind of fun teaching him.
Anyway, the goal for all of this is to transplant 25 Broccoli,
Cauliflower, and Brussel Sprouts plants, and 10 Cabbage and Pak Choi
plants. Projected transplant date: March 5
Assuming a frost date of April 1 for my locale, these seeds were
'started' 63 days/9 weeks before the last frost date. They will be set
out 26 days/3.5 weeks prior to the last frost date, to be planted
straight into a deep mulch bed and will be covered with row covers
and/or plastic pots.


"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will
not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius
will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the
world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone
are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve
the problems of the human race"

~ Calvin Coolidge

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