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homestead - Re: [Homestead] [Homestead ] MY microcosm of economic downturn

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: Homestead List <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] [Homestead ] MY microcosm of economic downturn
  • Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:17:42 -0500

bobf wrote:
So, where is the remedy? Surely things can't continue this way.

I honestly believe that many people believe that Obama will change
things...the way people work or don't work, the way people get health
care, etc. (Please remember that woman who wouldn't have to worry about
paying her bills) Many choose between the mortgage and healthcare-can
only pay one.. I hope he does for my own sake, but the way he might do
it is the issue for me. I think long term, but anyway, I want to get
into all of that now. Bob things have just gone on and on, the split
wider and wider. I think, what you will see, is what we saw a week or
so ago at Republic...employees demanding via peaceful protest to be
treated fairly and not to be the trickle down victims of all of this. I
think the bailouts and stories like the sit in are now registering in
peoples brains and you may see a lot of similar or copy cat stuff, maybe
class action lawsuits even. The success at Republic just fuels the
likelihood of seeing it more. After Columbine, schools everywhere went
on alert for either real or imagined threats..I think you will see the
same in large production facilities that hire lots of people....sit ins,

That was my original observation. The picture you just drew was not
so much bleak as it is unsustainable.

IMO, it has sustained itself for several decades


The true significance of Sacajawea's involvement in the Lewis & Clark
expedition is that it was the first documented trip in history where men
asked a woman for directions and followed them, allowing them to arrive
at their destination.

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